The 2020 ILA Virtual Annual Conference will be held October 20-22. This year's conference will look different, but we still have a strong schedule of programming for our Trustee attendees. The programs listed below are suggested for Trustees, bu…
By Board Member At-Large Martha Sullivan Nominations for this year’s Tournament of Books is underway, and we’ve already seen a bunch of great nominations! We wanted to take a moment to highlight some of these great titles, so that we can …
(via Michelle Nielsen Ott, IACRL President) Join IACRL for our next Journal Club discussion, via Zoom on Tuesday, August 11, from 1:00 to 2:00 PM. Everyone is invited to attend. We will be discussing "How Students Engage with News: Five Takeawa…
(via the Illinois Library Association) Molly Beestrum, Education and Curriculum Coordinator at Northwestern University’s Galter Health Sciences Library & Learning Center, is the 2020 recipient of the Illinois Library Association (ILA) Illin…
IACRL, in partnership with IHLS and RAILS, will host a Fall Semester Town Hall on Zoom from 10:00 AM to 12:00 PM on Wednesday, July 29. The event will feature the following presenters (more information on the topics each one will discuss is avai…
(via the Illinois Library Association) IACRL, in partnership with IHLS and RAILS, will host a Fall Semester Town Hall on Zoom from 10:00 AM to 12:00 PM on Wednesday, July 29.The event will feature speakers who will discuss what their l…
On June 13, 2020, the ILA Library Trustee Forum Executive Board unanimously approved a tribute resolution for Don Roalkvam. TRIBUTE RESOLUTION FOR DONALD ROALKVAM LIBRARY LEADER, LIBRARY ADVOCATE, LIBRARY PARTNER, LIBRARY EDUCATOR…
This is a reminder that the Illinois Association of College & Research Libraries (IACRL) Awards Committee is seeking submissions for the People's Choice Award in Scholarly Publishing. This award will give academic and research librarian…
Pamela Salomone, Communications & Marketing Manager at the St. Charles Public Library (SCPL), is the recipient of the 2020 Deborah Dowley Preiser Marketing Award. This award recognizes a library employee who has performed excellent work in public…