- Annual Reports
- Awards, Grants, and Scholarships
- Bylaws
- Executive Board
- FAQ for Committee Chairs and Forum Managers
- ILA and Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion
- ILA Fiscal Policies
- ILA's Origins, Presidents, and Executive Directors
- ILA Store
- Remote Learning
- Strategic Plan
- Staff
- Frequently Asked Questions
- Submit Legislative Proposals to the ILA Public Policy Committee
- Advocacy Policies and Procedures
- More Than a Building
- Census 2020 Resources
- Creating or Changing Illinois State Library Law
- Illinois Minimum Wage Resources
- Intro to Property Taxes for IL Libraries
- ILA Public Policy Principles
- Legislative Issues
- Libraries and Immigration Enforcement
- Making Your Case
- Ready, Set, Advocate
- TIFs and Public Library Districts in Illinois
- Top Ten Advocacy Tips
- Unite Against Book Bans in Illinois
- Advocacy Committee
- Awards Committee
- Conference Program Committee, 2025
- Diversity Committee
- Finance Committee
- Fundraising Committee
- ILA Reporter Advisory Committee
- Illinois Libraries Present Committee
- Intellectual Freedom Committee
- iREAD Committee
- Nominating Committee
- Public Policy Committee
- Reaching Forward North Committee
- Reaching Forward South Committee
- Serving Our Public Committee
- Events
- Human Resources & Administration Forum (HRAF)
- Illinois Association of College & Research Libraries Forum (IACRL)
- Library Trustee Forum (LTF)
- Marketing Forum (MF)
- Resources & Technical Services Forum (RTSF)
- Small and Rural Libraries Forum (SARL)
- Students and New Professionals Forum (SANP)
- Young Adult Services Forum (YASF)
- Youth Services Forum (YSF)
- Initiatives
- Membership
- Publications
What is the Illinois Library Association?
A professional membership organization that represents Illinois libraries and the millions who depend on them. Founded in 1896, it is the third largest state library association and a chapter of the American Library Association. ILA's Origins, Presidents, and Executive Directors.
Who belongs to ILA?
Nearly 2,000 personal and more than 500 institutional members, made up of public, academic, school, and special libraries, as well as librarians, library staff, trustees, students, and library vendors belong to ILA, a 501(c)3 nonprofit educational and charitable organization.
Why join ILA?
Because libraries matter. ILA connects library professionals and supporters to each other and the important issues facing libraries today. From trends and innovation to advocacy and education, ILA is the place to strengthen your skills and deepen your knowledge.
What are our key activities?
- Annual conference and workshops throughout the year, including workshops for trustees, a conference for support staff, industry exhibits, and more
- Quarterly magazine, the ILA Reporter
- Timely e-newsletter with job postings, links to libraries in the news, legislative alerts, and association activities
- Publications on library law, trustee training, and other topics
- iREAD, national summer reading program
- Awards and recognition
- Legislative advocacy in Springfield and Washington, DC
- Group purchasing for libraries, including an insurance pool
- Developing resources to help libraries innovate that range from Banned Books Week to programs for military families to a competition for self-published authors
How do we operate?
Leadership is provided by an Executive Director, reporting to an elected Executive Board, each member serving a three-year term. Members participate through an appointed committee structure and forums that are open to all members. A staff of six is headquartered in downtown Chicago.