- Annual Reports
- Awards, Grants, and Scholarships
- Bylaws
- Executive Board
- FAQ for Committee Chairs and Forum Managers
- ILA and Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion
- ILA Fiscal Policies
- ILA's Origins, Presidents, and Executive Directors
- ILA Store
- Remote Learning
- Strategic Plan
- Staff
- Frequently Asked Questions
- Submit Legislative Proposals to the ILA Public Policy Committee
- Advocacy Policies and Procedures
- More Than a Building
- Census 2020 Resources
- Creating or Changing Illinois State Library Law
- Illinois Minimum Wage Resources
- Intro to Property Taxes for IL Libraries
- ILA Public Policy Principles
- Legislative Issues
- Libraries and Immigration Enforcement
- Making Your Case
- Ready, Set, Advocate
- TIFs and Public Library Districts in Illinois
- Top Ten Advocacy Tips
- Unite Against Book Bans in Illinois
- Advocacy Committee
- Awards Committee
- Conference Program Committee, 2025
- Diversity Committee
- Finance Committee
- Fundraising Committee
- ILA Reporter Advisory Committee
- Illinois Libraries Present Committee
- Intellectual Freedom Committee
- iREAD Committee
- Nominating Committee
- Public Policy Committee
- Reaching Forward North Committee
- Reaching Forward South Committee
- Serving Our Public Committee
- Events
- Human Resources & Administration Forum (HRAF)
- Illinois Association of College & Research Libraries Forum (IACRL)
- Library Trustee Forum (LTF)
- Marketing Forum (MF)
- Resources & Technical Services Forum (RTSF)
- Small and Rural Libraries Forum (SARL)
- Students and New Professionals Forum (SANP)
- Young Adult Services Forum (YASF)
- Youth Services Forum (YSF)
- Initiatives
- Membership
- Publications
ILA's committees are instrumental to the work of the association
ILA's committees provide major support services for the membership at large and the ILA Executive Board. Terms of office vary and include a single two- or three-year term for most committees. This term is designed to provide an avenue for interested members to become easily involved in ILA activities, and staggered terms help ensure continuity. The opportunity to serve on or chair an ILA committee is a benefit of ILA membership; committee members and chairs, and forum managers and board members, are required to maintain personal membership in the association during their term of service. Frequently asked questions, resources, and policies are available to ILA committees to facilitate their initiatives.
The Committee Interest Form submission priority deadline to be considered for a July committee appointment is March 15. Forms will still be accepted after that date, but volunteer early for your first choices!
Overall committee composition statement
Please also see individual committee composition statements and charges via the individual committee links to the right, or below.
It is the duty of the appointing officer to make appointments in keeping with ILA policies, and that reflect the Illinois library community’s diverse constituencies. Diversity includes, but is not limited to race, color, ethnicity, ancestry, national origin, religion, age, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity or expression, marital and/or familial status, mental and/or physical impairment and/or disability, military status, economic status, political affiliation, and other human distinguishing characteristics. In addition, the Illinois library community’s diverse constituencies include geographic location, type of library worker, and library type and size.
Source: ILA Statement of Commitment to Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion
In the event of a committee vacancy with an unexpired term, the current ILA president (or committee chair, where applicable) shall serve as the appointing officer. Replacement appointees serve out the remainder of the unexpired term.
Committee work cannot be done in absentia. A vacancy may be declared for any member who is absent for 25% of meetings and/or committee activities in the period of one year.
With the exception of the Nominating, Conference Program, iREAD, Reaching Forward North, Reaching Forward South, Public Policy, and Awards committees, the vice president/president-elect shall serve as the appointing officer of all committee terms that begin on July 1st of their year as president.
- The immediate past president shall serve as the appointing officer of all Nominating Committee seats beginning on July 1st of their year as immediate past president.
- The vice president/president-elect shall serve as the appointing officer of all Conference Program Committee seats beginning on July 1st of their year as vice-president.
- The iREAD, Reaching Forward North, Reaching Forward South Committees identify their own appointees, but the incoming chair is “subject to the approval of the vice president/president-elect.
- The vice president/president-elect shall serve as the appointing officer of the Public Policy Committee and Awards Committee vice-chairs whose terms begin on July 1st of their year as president.
Approved by the ILA Executive Board 3/7/2024
- Advocacy Committee
- Awards Committee
- Conference Program Committee, 2025
- Diversity Committee
- Finance Committee
- Fundraising Committee
- ILA Reporter Advisory Committee
- Illinois Libraries Present Committee
- Intellectual Freedom Committee
- iREAD Committee
- Nominating Committee
- Public Policy Committee
- Reaching Forward North Committee
- Reaching Forward South Committee
- Serving Our Public Committee