Frequently Asked Questions

Here you can find answers to the most commonly asked questions ILA receives about ILA memberships, ILA profiles, invoices, payments, event registration, and more! The FAQ is searchable by keyword or you can view by subject.

Please note that this page is frequently updated for clarity and to keep information up-to-date. If you don't see the answer to your question here or elsewhere on our website, email with your inquiry. 

  • User Profiles & Personal Memberships

    This section covers FAQs about ILA user profiles and personal memberships. 

    How do I know if I have an ILA personal membership?

    First, you'll need to sign into your ILA profile. If you don't have an ILA profile, then you either don't have an ILA membership or it may be associated with a different email. (See the next question in this section - What is an ILA profile?)

    Once you're logged into your ILA profile, click the blue View your profile button to pull up your profile details. On this page, click Membership. This page will tell you if you have a membership and if so, what type of personal membership and what your membership dates are. 

    What is an ILA profile?

    ILA profiles are individual, online profiles. You do not need to have an ILA personal membership to have an ILA profile; however, all ILA personal members have an ILA profile. ILA profiles are automatically created when you register for an ILA event for the first time, make a purchase from the ILA store, or order from the iREAD store.

    Having an ILA profile allows you to view your event history, look at past transactions, pay invoices online, and expedite future event registrations. We do not store sensitive information in ILA profiles. 

    How do I know if I have an ILA profile?

    If you have an ILA personal membership, you have an ILA profile. However, if you do not have an ILA personal membership, you may still have an ILA profile. If you've previously registered for an ILA event (excluding Noon Network webinars), were previously a personal member, or purchased an item from the ILA store or iREAD store, then you most likely have an ILA profile. If you're unsure, you can email to find out.

    My personal membership has lapsed. How do I get it restarted?

    If your membership has lapsed and therefore been cancelled, you will need to join again. Log into your ILA profile and then click Join in the top-right of the webpage and complete the membership application. Your memberhsip will officially be reinstated once payment is received. 

    I have an ILA profile and/or personal membership but have recently changed jobs. Do I need to create a new ILA profile/personal membership?

    No. Go ahead and email and let us know about your job change. We'll update your username (email) and dues category (if applicable). You can update your preferred mailing and billing information yourself by signing into your ILA profile. 

    My library has an institutional membership. How do I access the membeship details online?

    Institutional memberships can only be accessed by the primary contact. By default, the primary contact is the library director. The primary contact can log into their ILA personal profile (or membership if they have a personal membership) and will see two options: View your profile and View organization profile. Click View organization profile to view the details of the institutional membership. 
    Note: When registering for events that have member pricing, follow the instructions provided on the event page for how to register. ILA personal profiles that are properly linked to the institutional profile will have the member price automatically applied to their registration. 

  • Membership Renewal

    This section covers questions about renewing ILA memberships - Personal, Institutional, and Associate. For details about membership benefits and dues, visit the ILA Membership webpage.

    How do I know when my ILA institutional or associate memberhsip is up for renewal?

    Institutional and associate membership dates can be viewed in the ILA profile of the person set as the primary contact. For libraries, this is typically the director. Sign into the primary contact's* profile and then click View organization profile. Select Membership in the left-hand side menu to view your membership details. This will tell you what type of membership you have as well as list the effective and expiry dates for the membership. 

    ILA has to cancel memberships manually and we have a 3 month grace period. Invoices for membership renewals are generated at the beginning of each quarter - January, April, July, October. Your expiry date is technically when your dues payment are due but we will not actually cancel a membership until 3 months from the expiry date. We send several reminders via mail during this 3 month period with a final notice sent via email to the primary contact. If payment is not received prior to the expiry date or during the 3 month grace period, membership will then be cancelled.

    *ILA does not store any sensitive information, such as credit card information, in user profiles. 

    How do I know when my ILA personal memberhsip is up for renewal?

    You can view your membership dates in your online ILA profile. Sign into your profile and then click View your profile. Select Membership in the left-hand side menu to view your membership details. This will tell you what type of membership you have as well as list the date effective and date expires for your membership. 

    ILA has to cancel memberships manually and we have a 3 month grace period. Invoices for membership renewals are generated at the beginning of each quarter - January, April, July, October. Your expiry date is technically when your dues payment are due but we will not actually cancel a membership until 3 months from the expiry date. We send several reminders via email and mail during this 3 month period. If payment is not received prior to the expiry date or during the 3 month grace period, membership will be cancelled.

  • Invoices & Payments (Membership Dues, Event Registration Fees, Purchases)

    This section covers FAQs related to payment for membership dues, invoices, event registration fees, etc. 

    I'm the primary contact for my organizaiton. Why am I not able to pay the personal membership invoices for my library staff and/or trustees when I log into the institutional profile?

    While staff and trustee ILA profiles and/or memberships are linked to the institutional profile and/or membership, invoices for personal memberships are tied to an individual's personal ILA profile. Once payment has been processed, the effective and expiry dates are automatically updated. 

    If you wish to pay with a card for membership invoices, you can do so by calling the ILA office at 312-644-1896. Keep in mind that each membership renewal will be a seperate transaction. However, you can send in one check for multiple renewals or invoices. ILA does not store sensitive information such as credit card information in user profiles. If your staff and/or trustees are comfortable sharing their login credentials with you so that you can sign in and make payment online, they can do so. 

    My membership dues category has changed. How do I update this?

    If your dues category has changed, email and let us know what your new category should be. We'll make the adjustment and if your dues are up for renewal, we'll adjust your invoice as well. 

    How do I find my invoices and payment history?

    Invoices - for registration fees, membership dues, JobLine posts, etc. - can be found in your personal ILA profile. Once you have succesfully signed into your ILA profile, click on View your profile and then Payment history. If you have any outstanding invoices, they will be listed here and you will have the option to either make a payment or print the invoice. Clicking on an individual line item will expand the item and provide further invoice details. 

    How can I pay my registration fees, membership dues, or other invoices?

    Payment can be made via check or card. To pay via check, mail a check made out to Illinois Library Association to our our office and include your invoice or write in the memo what the check is for. To pay via card, you can sign into your ILA profile and then select Make Payment in the top-right corner. You can also call the ILA office to pay over the phone if you do not have access to the internet. 

    How do I pay an invoice that is for one of my staff members, trustees, or someone else besides me?

    Since you're making a payment for someone other then yourself, chances are that the invoice will not be in your ILA personal profile. In this case, you can send a check made out to the Illinios Library Association to the ILA office, being sure to include the invoice or putting in the memo what the check is for. If you wish to pay with a card, you will need to call the ILA office to pay over the phone. 

    How do I locate a receipt?

    Sign into your ILA profile and then select View your profile and then Payment history. Click on the line item you need a receipt for to expand the details. Click on the blue box that says View receipt. This will open the receipt in a new webpage and you'll be able to either print the receipt or save it as a PDF. 

    If you need a receipt for a payment that is not under your profile, you will need to email to request a copy.

  • Events & Event Registration

    This section covers questions about ILA events and registration. View our general Events Registration Process webpage for more helpful information if your question is not answered here. For specific event information, view the event's webpage. 

    How do I know if I've been registered for an event?

    ILA strongly encourages self-registration but we know some libraries prefer to have administrators or managers register staff. Whether you've forgotten if you registered and can't locate the confirmation email or aren't sure if your library has registered, you can find out by looking at your event history.

    Sign into your ILA profile. (If you don't have an ILA profile, then you haven't been registered.) Once signed in, click the blue View my profile button and then Event history from the side menu. You'll be able to see what events you've been registered for and pull up the confirmation to save or print if you need a copy.

    I have an event, grant, survey, etc. that I would like to share with the greater ILA community. How can I do this?

    Fill out this Google Form with the pertinent information. Tamara Jenkins, ILA's Communications & Engagment Manager, will be notified of your submission. She will include it in our weekly e-newsletter, the ILA Alert, if it meets our criteria. Submissions may be edited for space. If you have questions about the form or submitting an item, email Tamara at

    How do I stay up-to-date with ILA events?

    View all ILA events on the ILA calendar. This includes Executive Board, committee, and forum meetings, Noon Network webinars, conferences, and more. For detailed information about events, you can click on the calendar item or select one of the side menu items such as Annual Conference or ILA Noon Network. 

    Sign up for the ILA newsletter and mailing list here. We share event information updates in our weekly e-newsletter as well as special emails with announcements such as when the call for program proposals opens for Annual Conference. 

  • ILA Committees & Forums

    For full details about ILA Committees & Forums, visit the specific committee or forum webpage that you are interested in. 

    I'm a committee chair or forum manager. Where do I find out information about my responsibilities?

    You can view the FAQ for Committee Chairs and Forum Managers which has helpful information about what your duties include. Information on this page also includes the dates of the current year's ILA Executive Board Meetings, the template for committee and forum reports in both Word and PDF formats, and which ILA staff member to contact if you have any questions not answered on the above linked page. 

    How do I join an ILA committee?

    If you're interested in joining an ILA committee, fill out the Committee Interest Form located on the Committees webpage. Appointments are made by the Vice-President Elect for the upcoming ILA year. ILA's year runs from July 1 - June 30 of the following year. 

    How do I join a forum?

    If you're interested in a forum, whether in forum leadership or general membership, fill out the ILA Forum Interest Form on the Forums webpage. Forum leadership is a benefit of ILA personal membership. Each forum has their own bylaws about forum membership, though, so check out the specific forum bylaws or reach out to the forum's staff liaison if you have questions about forum membership. Participation in forum events is typically open to anyone in the Illinois library community.   

  • Illinois Libraries Present

    What is the new email address for ILA Illinois Libraries Present (ILA ILP)?

    The new email address is During the transition, the previous email address will be active and will redirect to the account.

    When will I receive emails from

    Starting in February 2025, ILP monthly updates will be sent from Please save this email address so you do not miss announcements, updates or information. 

    All Season 5 emails will come from

    Will there be a different website?

    Yes. The ILA hosted website,, went live on January 14, 2025.

    During the transition, the previous website,, will be active and will redirect to the new ILA hosted URL.

    When will the transition be complete?

    Illinois Libraries Present committee members and ILA staff are working closely together to ensure a seamless end to Season 4 and start to Season 5. We started this months ago, established strong working relationships, and have full confidence in the transition plan. 

    ILA will be wholly responsible for the ILP initiative in Season 5.

    What happens to the IGA between ILP and member libraries?

    The Intergovernmental Agreement (IGA) between Illinois Libraries Present and member libraries is valid through the end of Season 4. At the close of Season 4, as per the agreement, Northbrook Public Library will dissolve the IGA after providing prior notice in early 2025. Season 4 member libraries do not need to take any action.

    Libraries will register (no IGA needed) for Season 5 through ILA. 

    January 2025

    Libraries with a signed IGA for ILP (any season - prior or current) will receive a formal letter about the dissolution.

    March 2025

    ILA will email instructions about signing up for Season 5. (No IGA needed.) 

    June 30, 2025

    Season 4 concludes and IGA is officially dissolved.

    How will ILA Illinois Libraries Present be structured?

    The ILA Illinois Libraries Present Committee (ILA ILP) will be modeled after ILA committees, such as iREAD, ILA Conference Program Committee, and the ILA Reporter Advisory Committee. 

    ILA staff and designated staff liaisons will be responsible for administrative functions. The overall committee composition, charge and goals will largely remain unchanged and the Programming, Data/Numbers and Event Production committees will remain active. Marketing materials will be provided for each event.

    How will libraries register for Season 5?

    In spring 2025, ILA will provide information and instructions about registering for Season 5. 

    What happens to the funds from member fees?

    All funds will be transferred to ILA to fulfill ILP Season 4 contracts and commitments. Both organizations consulted with attorneys and auditors to ensure due diligence and a successful transition.

    Will membership fees change for Season 5?

    ILA will announce the membership fee structure at a later date. For Season 5, the fee structure will not require ILA membership and will be based on the existing budget tier system.

    Currently, my library receives a discounted membership fee for staff members serving on an ILP committee. Will ILA continue that practice?

    At this time, ILA ILP will focus on transitioning processes and committees and will not add new committee members. Stay tuned for updates and opportunities in 2026.

    Will the ILA Illinois Libraries Present initiative be open to library types other than public libraries?

    At this time, this initiative will remain open only to public libraries. 

    How do I volunteer for the ILA ILP initiative?

    At this time, ILA ILP will focus on transitioning processes and committees and will not add new committee members. Stay tuned for updates and opportunities in 2026. 

    Please apply for another ILA committee if you would like to be more involved. Click here for more information.

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