Ready, Set, Advocate

Advocacy is such an easy word, yet so complicated in the minds of many. Why is it that so many library supporters, who themselves are strong community members, don’t understand the importance of speaking out in support of their libraries?
     The Ready, Set, Advocate package has been created for you, the library supporter, so that you can learn to be a true library advocate. Your voice will make a difference, especially if it is heard at the right time and in the right place, and by the right person. You can be that person to tell the important library story and make a difference.

Ready, Set, Advocate consists of a toolkit and three presentation modules that correspond to the toolkit content. The toolkit, recordings of the presentations, and presentation slides are available below. They are designed for individual viewing, to present at a board or staff meeting, or to be shown as part of a continuing education opportunity. Toolkit pages are available collected into one comprehensive publication OR topic-by-topic, for ease of use. 

SUBMIT A STORY: Does your library have an inspiring patron impact story? If so, share it with ILA! Your story could help us with our lobbying work on behalf of Illinois libraries. The submission form is available here



Ready, Set, Advocate is a project of ILA's Advocacy Committee.

iREAD Summer Reading Programs

Since 1981, iREAD provides high quality, low-cost resources and products that enable local library staff to motivate children, young adults, and adults to read.

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