Interested in serving on an ILA committee? Appointments are now being considered for the coming program year. Appointments begin July 1, 2019, and most committee members serve two-year terms. ILA's committees provide major support services for I…
(via Dan Bostrom, RAILS) In April, RAILS and IACRL will host two more networking events for academic librarians. These events are open to any staff from any Illinois academic library. MLIS and LTA students with an interest in academic libraries are e…
The ILA Resources and Technical Services Forum has established a scholarship to offset registration, travel, and lodging for one technical services staff member who would not otherwise be able to attend the ILA Annual Conference. Submit an applicatio…
(via Carolyn Ciesla, IACRL Past President) Please consider running for a position on the IACRL Executive Board for next year! Available positions are Vice President/President-elect and Secretary. Terms are for one year, and responsibilities include r…
(via Gwen Gregory, University of Illinois at Chicago) 2019 Legislative Meet-Ups Registration is now open for our 2019 Legislative Meet-ups. This year our regional advocacy efforts expand with eight legislative events providing you with an o…
Jennifer Marini Jackson, Assistant Professor and Undergraduate Engagement Librarian at University of Illinois at Chicago’s Daley Library, has an article in the Fall, 2018, issue of ACRL’s Chapter Topics newsletter, whi…
The December 2018 issue of the ILA Reporter features an article on the 30-year history of Reaching Forward, written by Heidi Knuth, Bloomingdale Public Library/Reaching Forward Co-Chair.