(via the National Network of Libraries of Medicine – Greater Midwest Region) Are you trying to do more with PubMed? Do you need to extract just relevant PubMed data, in the format you want? Are you dreaming of creating your own PubMed tool or i…
(via the American Library Association) Interested in running for ALA President-Elect or Councilor-at-Large, but weren’t approached by the Nominating Committee? You can still get your name on the 2017 spring ballot by completing a petition form …
(via the Association of College & Research Libraries) ACRL invites you to share your research and creative endeavors with your colleagues at the 2017 ACRL Conference, themed “At the Helm: Leading Transformation”. Submit your proposal …
(via Gwen Gregory, IACRL President) Are you looking for funds to help pay for your trip to ALA’s 2017 Annual Conference in Chicago, IL? Apply by Wednesday, December 14, for the NMRT Shirley Olofson Memorial Award, and you may receive a $1,000 c…
(via Gwen Gregory, IACRL President) The NASIG 32nd Annual Conference, themed “Racing to the Crossroads”, will take place from June 8 to 11, 2017, in Indianapolis, IN. Publishers, vendors, librarians, and others in the fields of electronic…
(via the Library Information Technology Association) We’ve extended the LITA members early-bird registration another two weeks, so there’s still time to register for the 2016 LITA Forum at the early-bird rate and save $50. LITA Forum earl…
(via Kara Malenfant, Association of College & Research Libraries) On September 26, 2016, ACRL provided feedback to the National Science Foundation (NSF) in preparation for updates to its Strategic Plan. As reflected in previous ACRL support for g…
(via Roberta Craig, OSF Saint Anthony Medical Center) For HSLI conference attendees who will be arriving in St. Charles on the night of Wednesday, November 9, you are invited to join a dine-around! This will be a casual dining experience to join your…
(via Margaret Chambers, CARLI) Register now to attend the CARLI Annual Meeting on Friday, November 18, from 10:15 AM to 3:00 PM, at the I-Hotel and Conference Center in Champaign. The morning meeting will feature a report from new CARLI Senior Direct…
(via the Online Computer Library Center, Inc.) Our Global and Regional Councils represent the voices of all member libraries. Bonnie Allen, Americas Regional Council (ARC) Chair, and ARC delegates invite you to contribute to the continued success of …