(via Dr. Lisa Richmond, Wheaton College) You are warmly invited to attend CAPAL17: “Foundations & Futures: Critical Reflections on the Pasts, Presents, and Possibilities of Academic Librarianship”, the fourth annual conference of the …
(via the ACRL Science & Technology Section) Catherine Lantz, Reference Librarian & Liaison, University of Illinois at Chicago What discipline(s) do you support now, and/or have you supported in the past?–biology, chemistry, and ear…
(via Yen Tran, San Jose State University) ACRL Press is planning to publish a book titled Supporting Today’s Students in the Library: Strategies for Retaining and Graduating International, Transfer, First-Generation, and Re-Entry Students.…
(via Kim Pittman, University of Minnesota Duluth) Registration for the Sixth Annual Lake Superior Libraries Symposium is now open. SLS17: “Beyond Neutral” will be held on Friday, June 9, at the University of Minnesota Dulut…
(via Eric Tans, Michigan State University) Registration is now open for the Great Lakes Science Boot Camp 2017. The program will take place from Wednesday, July 19, to Friday, July 21, on the campus of Michigan State University in…
(via Gwen Gregory, IACRL Past President) Each year, the ACRL Government Relations Committee, in consultation with the ACRL Board of Directors and staff, formulates an ACRL Legislative Agenda. Drafted with input from key ACRL committees, ACRL lea…
(via Esther Grassian–University of California, Los Angeles; and Pierce College) We are living in a time of alternative facts, fake news, and information poverty. The 4th Annual Lifelong Information Literacy (LILi) Conference—which will ta…
(via Margaret Chambers, CARLI) Are you planning to attend the 4th Annual Great Lakes Resource Sharing Conference on June 8-9, 2017? Register by Friday, May 26, to take advantage of the lower registration fee. The $95 registr…
(via Molly Roberts, National Network of Libraries of Medicine – Greater Midwest Region) The May GMR Update will be presented on Monday, May 15, from 2:00 to 3:00 PM CST. During this fiscal year, GMR Updates will be presented quarterly…