Emily GilbertRasmussen College IACRL: Congratulations on your new role as the ILA Executive Director! For those who may not be familiar, could you share a little about what the Executive Director does? Diane Foote: Thank you! I'm happy to provide som…
Emily GilbertRasmussen College IACRL: Describe yourself in three words. Reina Williams: Dedicated. Loyal. Hard-working. IACRL: What is your current professional position and what do you like best about it? RW: Currently I am the Reference Librarian a…
Lindsay HarmonLewis University As co-chair of the 2018 Illinois Library Association conference, I’d like to encourage academic librarians from across the state to submit a program proposal for ILA 2018, “Libraries: All Inclusive,” w…
Andrea JakubasIllinois Institute of Technology The University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, in collaboration with CARLI, was chosen as one of five host sites for the event, “Scholarly Communication: From Understanding to Engagement RoadShow.…
Compiled by Krista Bowers-SharpeWestern Illinois University Libraries Ayers, Meredith. “Reviews of Science for Science Librarians: Metal Recycling Overview for Librarians.” Science & Technology Libraries 36.4 (2017): 339–350. Da…
Jim Deiters, ILA Advocacy CommitteeOak Lawn Public Library Last spring, President Trump was threatening to cut off federal funding for libraries, and 42 Illinois librarians joined hundreds more from across the county to lobby legislators in Washingto…
Candidates for Vice President/President Elect Nestor L. Osorio My interest in the position of Vice-President / President-Elect is based on my strong commitment to serve the academic librarians and libraries of the state. I am a practicing professiona…
Carolyn CieslaPrairie State College Happy Spring, IACRL members! At least, happy almost Spring? I know we’re all looking forward to the warmer weather. We have some exciting plans for IACRL this year, including a couple of professional developm…
(via ACRL) Are you looking for ways to expand your professional network and contribute to ACRL? Committee volunteers help shape ACRL by advancing its strategic plan and influencing the direction of academic and research librarianship. Serving o…
(via Chase Ollis, ACRL) Academic and research librarians increasingly recognize scholarly communication as a core competency of the profession. Whether helping researchers meet their funder’s mandates for public access and data sharing, guiding…