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Katrina Arnold, Broadview Public Library District, Named Trustee of the Year Award
Library Trustee Forum (LTF)
August 17, 2018Katrina Arnold, trustee at the Broadview Public Library District, is the 2018 ILA Trustee of the Year Award Recipient. Presented by ILA’s Trustee Forum and sponsored by Peregrine, Stime, Newman, Ritzman & Bruckner, Ltd., this annual citation is awarded to a public library trustee for achievement, leadership, and service to libraries.
Katrina Arnold has been a trustee at the Broadview Public Library District since 2011. In this short period of time she has had a monumental impact on the library, the community and all of those who had worked alongside her. As stated in the nomination for the award, “She is strong. Her spirit cannot be broken and she tackles any problem that comes at her with tenacity, positivity and moral fortitude. “ Katrina exemplified these strengths when she co-authored a state grant and began work in earnest on a building referendum campaign. During the five-month referendum informational campaign she walked door-to-door, spoke at town hall meetings and met with concerned citizens and village representatives.
When the referendum passed with an overwhelming 81% of the voters in favor of it, she thought the hard part was behind her. Little did she expect the village to contest the building of a modern library; yet, it did, by requesting costly building documents, delaying and canceling variance hearings, and even the mayor holding the building process up in court. Katrina’s credibility was attacked and she and her husband were threatened; yet she continued to fight for her library.
Katrina did not give up, and library broke ground this year on the modern facility. She is receiving this award because of her tenacity, strength in the face of adversity and commitment to her community and her library. The Trustee of the Year Award will be presented at The Trustee of the Year Award will be presented at the Awards Luncheon to be held on Tuesday, October 9, during the 2018 Illinois Library Association Annual Conference in Peoria. The luncheon starts at 12:00 noon. The award recipient will be also recognized during the Trustee Day luncheon on Thursday, October 11.