Call for Nominations for 2025-2026 IACRL Executive Board

Want to make a difference in the Illinois academic library community? Looking for an opportunity to develop your leadership skills? Consider running for an Illinois Association of College & Research Libraries (IACRL) office!

Two offices, Secretary and Vice President/President-Elect, are on the ballot each spring. The Secretary serves a one-year term. The Vice President/President-Elect serves a year in that position, followed by a year as President and another year as Past President. Terms run from July 1 to June 30 of the following year. Once elected, new officers are not expected to know how to do everything right away–previous officers and ILA staff are there to help when questions arise.

The responsibilities of each office are listed below, as well as in Article VII of the IACRL Bylaws. The IACRL Executive Board conducts its work online via Zoom and email, and there are opportunities to get together in person at the ILA Annual Conference.

If you are interested in running for either office, or you would like to nominate someone else, please contact Sarah McHone-Chase, IACRL Past President and Nominating Committee Chair, at, no later than Monday, March 31, 2025. Candidates will need to submit a biography and picture for inclusion on the ballot, by Monday, March 31, 2025. The elections will run from April 1 to April 30, and IACRL will announce the winners in early May.

Vice President/President-Elect

3-year commitment


Approximate hours per month


Year 1: Vice President

4-6 (varies due to time of year)

  • Serve as chair of Conference & Continuing Education Committee

  • Manage call for committee members

  • Appoint new committee members and chairs

  • Attend Executive Committee meetings

  • As needed, in the President’s absence serve as IACRL President pro tem

Year 2: President

5-8 (varies due to time of year)

  • Write agenda for Executive Committee meetings and distribute to attendees in advance of each meeting

  • Preside over Executive Committee meetings

  • Write annual report of forum activities

  • Present annual report at annual meeting (held at ILA Annual Conference)

  • Submit quarterly reports of forum activities to the ILA Executive Board

  • Represent the association at IACRL and ILA events as schedule allows

  • Write “Message from the President” in Fall and Spring issues of the IACRL Newsletter

  • Other duties as needed

    • Submit written reports of forum activities to ACRL’s Chapter Topics newsletter

    • Represent IACRL to other organizations (e.g. give report at HSLI conference, attend twice-annual ACRL Chapters Council meetings)

    • Work with ILA forum liaison to facilitate IACRL activities at ILA Annual Conference

Year 3: Past President

2-3 (varies due to time of year)

  • Serve as chair of Nominations Committee

  • Serve as chair of Awards Committee

  • Attend Executive Committee meetings



1-year commitment, approximately 2 hours per month


  • Attend Executive Committee meeting and take minutes

  • Distribute minutes to meeting attendees and make edits as necessary

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