IACRL Committees

Standing Committee term lengths: "Members of standing committees shall be appointed for a three year term and are eligible for reappointment. A member of each committee shall be appointed by the Vice President/President Elect to serve as chair for a term of one year, to begin July 1."

For descriptions and more information on standing committees, see Article X of the IACRL Bylaws.

Committee Member Library/Organization Email address
Term ends


Sarah McHone-Chase (Chair)
Aurora University smchone-chase@aurora.edu
Melanie Emerson School of the Art Institute of Chicago memerson@saic.edu  6/30/2025
Michelle Nielsen Ott Bradley University mnielsenott@bradley.edu
Nessa Vahedian Khezerlou   nessavahedian@gmail.com  6/30/2026


Kim Tipton (Chair) McHenry County College  ktipton@mchenry.edu 6/30/2025
Dee Anna Phares Northern Illinois University dphares@niu.edu
Susan Franzen Illinois State University srfranz@ilstu.edu 6/30/2027
Kaitlyn Weger Illinois Eastern Community Colleges wegerk@iecc.edu 6/30/2027

Conference and Continuing Education

Joshua Newport (Chair)
Illinois State University  jcnewpo@ilstu.edu  6/30/2025
Tish Hayes Moraine Valley Community College hayesl45@morainevalley.edu 6/30/2026
Christina Norton Bradley University cnorton@fsmail.bradley.edu  6/30/2026
Amy Odwarka Eastern Illinois University aodwarka@eiu.edu  6/30/2026
Sanga Sung University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign ssung@illinois.edu  6/30/2025
Olia Sweiss Midwestern Career College Oliasweiss@gmail.com  6/30/2026
Jittapim Yamprai (Nan) Northern Illinois University jyamprai@niu.edu  6/30/2027

Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion 

Jeannette Bruno City Colleges of Chicago jbruno7@ccc.edu
Jade Kastel Illinois State Library JKastel@ILSOS.GOV
Jeremy McAninch Blackburn College jeremy.mcaninch@blackburn.edu


Wendell Johnson (Chair) Northern Illinois University wjohnso1@niu.edu 
Gwen Gregory Northern Illinois University Libraries ggregory@niu.edu


Sarah McHone-Chase (Chair)
Aurora University smchone-chase@aurora.edu
Wendell Johnson Northern Illinois University wjohnson1@niu.edu  6/30/2026
Donna Goodwyn Elmhurst University donnamg@elmhurst.edu 6/30/2027

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