Conference Proposal Submission Information

Thank you for your interest in submitting a program proposal for the 2025 ILA Annual Conference. This document will provide the information you need to submit your proposal. All conference programs are 60-minute sessions.

If you have any questions, please contact Kristin Pekoll at


Speaker Expectations

  • Read and respond to requests for information in a timely manner.
  • Submit session handouts electronically prior to conference.
  • Present the program that is described in your program proposal.
  • For accessibility, you must use a microphone and closed captioning during your presentation.
  • Begin and end your program on time.
  • Register for the conference at the appropriate level.
  • Follow all conference policies.
  • Familiarize yourself with all of the Speaker Information and Resources

NEW! Speakers are eligible for a conference registration discount of 20% off their appropriate fee. For more information, visit the Speaker Information and Resources page.


Submit a Program Proposal

Return to the Call for Annual Conference Program Proposals


Page 1: Primary Speaker Information

Submit your name, email, organization, and title. Additional speakers will be added later in the process. Double check that your email address is correct. You will receive a link to edit your proposal and when the proposal is complete you will receive a confirmation email. If you do not receive an email from Pheedloop, please contact Kristin Pekoll at


Page 2: Session Information

Session Title
While creative and interesting session titles help capture the attention of both the proposal review committee and prospective conference attendees, be sure that your title clearly communicates your topic. Use Title Case.


Session Description
In 200 words or less, describe your session using the guidelines below. Try to get to the core of what your session is about, while making it sound informative and interesting. Refer to the Call for Proposals for guidance in crafting your abstract. If accepted, this copy will appear in the final program listing on the conference website, in the conference app, and in the conference program book. Direct this description to conference attendees, not to the review committee. Additional background information about your proposal can be entered later in the submission process. 

  • Do not include presenter's names or biographical information in the description; speakers' information will be submitted elsewhere.
  • Do not use abbreviations or acronyms without clarification.
  • Sessions cannot be an advertisement for a vendor or demonstration of a vendor-provided product or service. Specific products or services may be described if essential for understanding a session's topic. Library staff who use the product or service must participate in the presentation.


Learning Objectives
Please identify three (3) Learning Objectives for your session. Learning Objectives should use active verbs, be measurable, and state what the participants should know or be able to do after attending your session. Learning Objectives should not simply repeat topics that will be addressed or activities that will take place during the session. Phrase each Learning Objective as a completion of this sentence: “At the end of this session, participants will…”


Select Relevant Track
Please select a primary track for your session. The Conference Program Committee reserves the right to change primary program track or list programs in additional tracks.

ILAAC25 Conference Tracks


Select Format

  • Discussion (Discussions include both participants and speakers)
  • Hands-on (Includes workshops or demonstrations)
  • Lecture (one or two speakers with limited attendee participation)
  • Panel (multiple speakers in a Q&A format with a moderator)


Select Audience(s)
Multiple Select

  • Academic
  • Public
  • School
  • Special


Page 3: Additional Information 

Session Tags
Select up to three (3) tags that describe the content of the proposed session. The tags will help the Conference Planning Committee develop a well rounded program.
Multiple Select

ILAAC25 Tags

How are the proposed speakers qualified to speak on this topic? Have they presented on this topic before?
Briefly explain how the speakers are qualified to present on this topic. What is their experience with this topic? Please limit the description for each speaker to a sentence or two.


Briefly describe the speakers' organization type, size, and geographic location.
Please Note: Sharing information about the organizations involved in this proposal will help the Conference Planning Committee develop a program with diverse representation; e.g. Academic library, 10 staff, 3200 FTE, Chicagoland. Partnering with a School library, with 1 staff member, 700 students, outside of Springfield. 


Preferred Program Day
We will attempt to honor requests, but there is no guarantee you will receive your requested time or date.
*NOTE* Exhibits open Wednesday at noon. Trustee Day is scheduled for Thursday, 10/16.

  • No Preference
  • Tuesday, October 14
  • Wednesday, October 15
  • Thursday, October 16


Preferred Program Time of Day
We will attempt to honor requests, but there is no guarantee you will receive your requested time or date.

  • No Preference
  • Morning
  • Afternoon


Program Level

  • Beginner (little to no experience with the topic)
  • Intermediate (some experience with the topic)
  • Advanced (expertise in the topic)


Please indicate your preferred room setup

  • No preference
  • Theater (rows of chairs)
  • Rounds (round tables with chairs)


Please indicate if this program is being submitted on behalf of an ILA Forum or Committee
Check the appropriate Forum(s) and/or Committee(s). If possible check with the staff liaison before submitting the proposal. All proposals submitted on behalf of a Forum or Committee will be checked by the staff liaison before the conference committee can review them. 

Human Resources & Administration Forum
Illinois Association of College & Research Libraries Forum
Library Trustee Forum
Marketing Forum
Resources & Technical Services Forum
Small and Rural Libraries Forum
Students and New Professionals Forum
Young Adult Services Forum
Youth Services Forum
Advocacy Committee
Diversity Committee
Fundraising Committee
Intellectual Freedom Committee
iREAD Committee
Nominating Committee
Public Policy Committee
Reaching Forward North Committee
Reaching Forward South Committee


Are you employed by or a trustee of a library (academic, public, school, special), a library agency, or library school located in Illinois?
Single Select

  • Yes
  • No (If no, you will be asked what state you're located in.)


Are you or another speaker on your program requesting an honorarium and/or travel expenses? If so, please enter their name and amount below.
Honoraria or travel expenses will not be paid to staff or trustees of Illinois libraries (academic, public, school, special), library agencies, or library schools. 


Is there any additional information you'd like the committee to have about this program? 
Enter any additional comments here.  


Page 5: Confirmation

Double check that your email address is correct. If you do not receive a confirmation email with a link to edit your application, please contact Kristin Pekoll at


Proposal Evaluation

The ILA 2025 Annual Conference Program Committee will evaluate all submitted proposals using the following criteria: 

  • ORIGINALITY & RELEVANCE: Does the proposed topic offer fresh, innovative ideas, methods, or resources? Is the content unique in relation to other conference proposals? Is the topic timely, new and/or in-demand?

  • SOLUTIONS: Does the program offer practical suggestions that can be replicated at other libraries? Does this program showcase timely and creative solutions and/or provide leadership?

  • SPEAKERS: Do the proposed speakers appear to have the appropriate expertise to present on this topic? Is collaboration, either internal or external to ILA, involved in the proposed program?

  • PROPOSAL TITLE & DESCRIPTION: Does the title clearly describe the program and does the program description clearly, with sufficient detail, outline the proposed presentation?

iREAD Summer Reading Programs

Since 1981, iREAD provides high quality, low-cost resources and products that enable local library staff to motivate children, young adults, and adults to read.

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