Exhibitor Kit

It's Time to Get Ready for the Annual Conference!

We look forward to seeing you on October 8/9 at the Peoria Civic Center, 201 SW Jefferson Ave, Peoria, Illinois. Thank you for joining us! Here is information to help you plan your show. Be sure to read ALL the information below, even if you've exhibited at ILA’s Annual Conference before as we've made several changes.


Deadlines & Schedule

September 2 

Exhibitor descriptions must be finalized for the printed program book. Descriptions will be pulled from the conference platform, Pheedloop.

September 9 

Deadline to participate in Passport to Prizes.
See more information below for details on how to sign up.

September 26

Deadline to register booth staff. 
See more information below for details on how to register your booth staff.

October 4

Deadline to submit your Vendor Order Form.
See more information below for details on how to order furnishings.

Tuesday, October 8

Installation Hours: 9:00 am - 5:00 pm

Wednesday, October 9

Installation Hours: 8:00 am - 11:00 am
Exhibits Hours: Noon - 5:00 pm
Exhibits Opening Lunch: Noon - 1:30 pm (No Conflict)
Exhibits Afternoon Snack: 4:00 pm - 5:00 pm (No Conflict)
Passport to Prizes Announcement: 4:30 pm

Thursday, October 10 

Exhibits Hours: 9:00 am - 2:00 pm
Exhibits Coffee Break: 10:00 am - 11:00 am (No Conflict)

Exhibits Closing Lunch: Noon - 1:30 pm (No Conflict)
Passport to Prizes Announcement: 1:00 pm
Dismantling Hours: 2:00 pm - 6:00 pm


Exhibitor Profile

ILA utilizes a platform called Pheedloop to list and showcase confirmed conference exhibitors. Through the Pheedloop Exhibitor Portal, exhibitors will have an opportunity to list their company's description and product categories, upload a logo and promotional fliers, add videos, and list contact, website, and social media. In addition, all the information that exhibitors upload to their Pheedloop listing will be available to attendees via the conference app.

The deadline to update exhibitor profiles is September 2. Exhibitors will still have access to their portal to add additional information but the description needs to be finalized in order to be included in the printed ILA Conference Program Book. 



Exhibitors receive up to six (6) complimentary registrations for booth staff per exhibitor/organization. 

Please provide the required information for each one of your booth staff, including yourself if you will be attending the conference and ILA staff will process the registrations and send an individual confirmation to each registered booth staff.

The deadline to register exhibit booth staff is September 26, 2024. Since the deadline has passed, please email exhibits@ila.org with to register booth staff or to make any changes. 



Room blocks have been reserved for Monday, October 7 to Thursday, October 10, 2024. Reservations must be made by September 7, 2024. Rates and instructions are listed on the ILA Hotel Information website.


Vendor Order Form

Here’s what is provided to each vendor this year as part of the regular booth package through the Peoria Civic Center. (1) 6’ x 30” skirted table, (2) padded chairs, (1) wastebasket, and (1) 7” x 44” ID sign. The floor surface in the booths will be concrete.

Order furnishings, carpet, electric, A/V directly with the Peoria Civic Center by submitting the form below. 

Submit Vendor Order Form


Freight Handling: 

Shipments to Advance Warehouse / Show-site can start to arrive 9/9/2024. Freight shipping is available for a flat rate of $90 for 200lbs and under. Each additional 100 lbs of freight is $45. Use the above linked Vender Order Form to calculate and submit your freight costs.
All shipments should be labeled as follows:

Name of Company / Booth Number
2024 ILA Convention
c/o Peoria Expo
201 SW Jefferson Ave.
Peoria, IL 61602

Business Center

The Business Center is located just off Hall B and offers a variety of business services for convention and trade show attendees. Services include telephone, fax, black/white or color copies, computer access and a 12-person conference room. The Business Center is only open for select events and service hours vary. Please contact the convention or trade show directly to see if the Business Center is scheduled to be open during the event at which you are exhibiting.


Passport to Prizes

This exhibitor engagement activity is a fun way to attract and keep attendees on the exhibit floor. Each attendee will receive a “Passport” that includes a list of participating exhibitors. Attendees must stop by those booths to receive a stamp on their passport. Fully completed passports are entered into a prize drawing that is held at the end of both days of exhibits. Attendees must be present at the prize drawing to win. 

Participation is limited to 15 exhibitors and is on a first-come, first served basis. The Passport to Prizes fee is $350. 

$100 of each participation fee will go to the ILA Diversity Scholarship Fund. The fund (and your participation) fosters a profession that embraces diversity, equity, and inclusivity and is used to increase financial support by providing travel grants to allow library workers to attend conferences and other continuing education opportunities and expand networking opportunities targeted to members of underrepresented groups. 

Email exhibits@ila.org before September 9 to sign up your company to participate. ILA staff will respond to your email with further instructions. 


Promotional Resources 

We're excited about your participation at the ILA 2024 Annual Conference & Exhibition! To see that your associates and clients are equally excited, we've assembled these promotional resources to help you promote your booth and activities. 

There are two variations of the conference logo available for you to use. One with the graphic and tagline and the other variation includes details about the conference. Feel free to download either version in the format of your choice. 








When you arrive at the Peoria Civic Center, please stop at Exhibitor Check-In at the ILA Help Desk (located just off Hall B) to check in and receive your exhibitor badge(s).

Exhibitor badges are required to enter the exhibit hall. 



Peoria Civic Center Map

Peoria Civic Center Exhibit Hall C Floorplan


Unload and Move In

Exhibitors should load into Hall C by Loading Docks #11 on the street level map.



After unloading for booth setups, exhibitors should park in the Fulton Lot (#19 on the map). The parking rate is $10 per day. More information can be found on the Peoria Civic Center Parking & Directions website.


2024 Rules and Regulations

These rules and regulations are a bona fide part of the contract for exhibit space with the Illinois Library Association, hereinafter referred to as ILA, for the Conference and Exposition. ILA reserves the sole right to render all interpretations, amend, and enforce these regulations and to establish any and all further regulations not specifically covered below to assure the general success and well being of the Exhibits. Each exhibitor, for himself, his employees, and his contractors, agrees to abide by these regulations and by any amendments or additions hereafter made by ILA. ILA reserves the right to decline, prohibit, deny access or remove any exhibit, which in its sole judgment is contrary to the character, objectives, and best interests of the conference or suitable for its attendee audience. This reservation includes, but is not limited to, any violation of any public policy or these rules and regulations and extends to persons, things, printed matter, products, and conduct. ILA reserves the right to refuse applications of concerns not meeting standards required or expected, as well as the right to curtail exhibits or parts of exhibits that reflect against the character of the meeting. ILA’s decision and interpretation shall be accepted as final in all cases.

View the complete Rules and Regulations for ILA Annual Conference.


ILA Statement of Appropriate Conduct

To provide all ILA event participants—members and other attendees, speakers, exhibitors, staff, and volunteers—the opportunity to benefit from these events, ILA is committed to providing a harassment-free environment for everyone, regardless of gender, sexual orientation, gender identity, gender expression, disability, physical appearance, race, ethnicity, religion, or other individual or group identity. Our Statement of Appropriate Conduct, which you agreed to honor when registering for the conference, contains guidelines for participating in ILA conferences and events.


Renewal for ILAAC25 

The ILA Exhibits Team will be in touch with the primary contact closer to the event to schedule renewal appointments. 

During the ILA Annual Conference 2024, current exhibitors will have an opportunity to renew their booth for ILA Annual Conference 2025 in Rosemont, IL with a 15% renewal discount. A $500 deposit is required to renew. Sponsors will have priority booth selection for 2025.

ILA Associate Members receive a 15% discount off the total rental fee. ILA Associate Membership is designed for companies and organizations that work closely with the library community. Membership dues are a flat $200 rate. If you’re interested in becoming an Associate Member, please contact us first before submitting an exhibitor application and we can provide a discount code for extraordinary savings, benefits, and customer service. 



All cancellations of space must be received in writing. If space is reduced, the net reduction of space will be treated as a cancellation of that space. If ILA receives a written request for cancellation of space on or before August 1, 2024, the exhibitor will be liable for $500 per 100 square feet of space canceled. There are no refunds for cancellations after August 1, 2024. Failure to appear at the Exhibits does not release the exhibitor from responsibility for payment of the full cost of space rented. In the event of cancellation, space reverts back to ILA for use at its sole discretion. ILA’s ability to resell the space shall not affect the refund schedule.


Contact ILA

ILA Exhibit Sales Team: exhibits@ila.org

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