ILA E-Newsletter

Ask your Representative to #FundLibraries
March 15, 2019
Email your Rep today and ask them to oppose cuts to federal funding for libraries! The White House budget proposal for FY2020 has, for a third time, proposed elimination of federal funding for libraries. This year's "Dear Appropri…
Legislative Update -- March 11, 2019
March 11, 2019
Thanks to our colleagues at Klein, Thorpe, and Jenkins for a clear explanation of a change in law of potential interest to libraries: The Illinois General Assembly amended Section 8 of the Illinois Local Government Professional Services Selection Act…
Legislative Update -- March 7, 2019
March 8, 2019
ILA's Public Policy and Advocacy Committees met on March 4 at the RAILS headquarters in Burr Ridge to discuss ongoing legislative issues. Visit the Illinois Legislative Issues page and the Federal Legislative Issues page on the IL…
Census 2020 Resources
March 4, 2019
The decennial census is coming up in 2020, and libraries will be essential partners in ensuring a complete count. There are a number of organizations planning for the census nationwide and here in Illinois; ILA has compiled an index to who they are a…
Linda C. Smith Inducted as an Illinois Library Luminary
February 22, 2019
Linda C. Smith   Linda’s nearly 50-year career began when she came to the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, Graduate School of Library Science (now the School of Information Sciences) in 1971 shortly after graduating summa c…
New Minimum Wage Legislation
February 22, 2019
Governor Pritzker signed Public Act 101-0001, the Lifting Up Illinois Working Families Act, into law on February 20, 2019. This law raises the minimum wage in the state of Illinois to $15 per hour by 2025. ILA has been following the progress of …
Draft of ILA Strategic Plan for 2019-22
February 22, 2019
ILA is currently in the process of updating our strategic plan! This process began in spring 2018 with ILA Executive Board planning sessions followed by a broad survey of members and non-members, a strategic planning workshop with ILA committees and …
Legislative Update -- February 14, 2019
February 14, 2019
Minimum Wage  Senate Bill 1, the "Lifting Up Illinois Working Families Act," passed in the Illinois Senate on February 7, and in the House on February 14. The Governor is expected to sign it into law prior to his February 20 budget address.…
Legislative Update: Minimum Wage
February 7, 2019
ILA learned late last week that Governor Pritzker is interested in fast-tracking an increase to the minimum wage in Illinois to $15 per hour, from our current $8.25. Just today, the Illinois Senate passed Senate Bill 1, the "Lifting Up Illinois …
Introduction to Property Taxes for IL Libraries
January 17, 2019
ILA’s Public Policy Committee has heard from a number of libraries concerned that they are not receiving all the revenue due to the library from local property taxes. ILA takes very seriously the issue of tax revenues due to public librari…
iREAD Summer Reading Programs

Since 1981, iREAD provides high quality, low-cost resources and products that enable local library staff to motivate children, young adults, and adults to read.

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