ILA E-Newsletter

Election Results
November 9, 2016
While the national election results are likely to bring dramatic changes, the results in Illinois likely will not. Both parties will be able to point to victories at the state level, but the overall balance of power will not shift significantly. For …
ILA Urges ISBE to Allocate ESSA Funding to School Libraries
September 19, 2016
Thursday, 15 September 2016 Tony Smith, Ph.D. Illinois State Superintendent Illinois State Board of Education (ISBE) 100 N. 1st Street Springfield, IL 62777 Dear Superintendent Smith: According to recent media reports and a Saturday, September 10, 20…
Date Set for Workshop on Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA)
September 6, 2016
The Illinois School Library Media Association (ISLMA) is partnering with IHLS, ILA, ISL, RAILS, and the American Association of School Librarians (AASL) in collaboration with American Library Association’s Office for Library Advocacy (OLA) and …
Urgent: Speak Out for School Libraries in September
August 26, 2016
In December 2015, President Obama signed the Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA) into law. ESSA replaces No Child Left Behind and, thanks to the work of library advocates, specifically includes language regarding “effective school library program…
Kip Kolkmeier Latest Luminary
August 26, 2016
Anyone who cares about what happens to libraries in Illinois has had occasion to thank Kip Kolkmeier, longtime legislative consultant for the Illinois Library Association (ILA). He was hired as ILA’s lobbyist in 1996 and remains an effective vo…
Governor Signs "Liquor in Libraries" Bill
July 19, 2016
On July 15, it became legal for libraries to serve alcohol during educational or cultural events, thanks to the efforts of the ILA Public Policy Committee and others. Senate Bill 399 amends the Liquor Control Act of 1934, and was signed into law by G…
Stopgap State Budget Approval
June 30, 2016
The Illinois General Assembly approved legislation (Senate Bill 2047) this afternoon funding most of the FY2016 budget, and adopting a "stopgap" six-month budget for FY2017. The governor is expected to sign the legislation. While this legislation has…
Contact Your Senator: Property Tax Freeze Legislation
April 29, 2016
ILA has received a number of requests to clarify the impact of the so-called "Property Tax Freeze" legislation. While several versions of a property tax freeze have been proposed by Governor Rauner and considered by the Illinois General Assembly, the…
Tax-Capped? Read on for Possible Relief...
February 24, 2016
Q: Under what circumstances are public library districts eligible to receive reimbursement for tax caps imposed under tax increment financing (TIF) districts? A: Public Library Districts are entitled to reimbursement for residents in a TIF district c…
CARLI to Sponsor Free Preconference at IACRL Conference
February 10, 2016
CARLI, the Consortium of Academic and Research Libraries in Illinois, is presenting a free preconference in conjunction with the IACRL Conference. Curriculum Mapping: A CARLI-Sponsored IACRL Preconference, will be held Thursday, March 17, 2016 at the…
iREAD Summer Reading Programs

Since 1981, iREAD provides high quality, low-cost resources and products that enable local library staff to motivate children, young adults, and adults to read.

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