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Presented by Illinois Library Association and the ILA Awards Committee in honor of Valerie Wilford (1939-2016). As a teacher and mentor to hundreds of librarians, Valerie Wilford made enormous contributions to school librarianship, multi-type cooperation and resource sharing in Illinois. This award is supported by the Valerie J. Wilford Memorial Fund.
Scholarship grant for the pursuit of education in librarianship; the scholarship may be used for a graduate or undergraduate class, a class in an LTA program, registration fees for a workshop, webinar, seminar, conference or other educational opportunities.
Applicants must be personal members of ILA or AISLE, or another Illinois state library association; or staff at an ILA institutional member library. The award will be given to an individual or group that has made the most successful case for an educational event that will enhance the group or individual’s ability to promote multi-type cooperation. There will be only one award per person or group.
To be considered for this award, the activity must be participation in an educational opportunity. This may be a graduate, undergraduate, or LTA class or another continuing education activity such as workshop or conference attendance. The reimbursable amount is up to $1000. The activity should take place, or have taken place, in the calendar year in which the award is announced. If it has already taken place and the applicant seeks reimbursement, evidence of completion should be included in the application. If it has not taken place by the application deadline of May 15, reimbursement will be contingent upon the successful applicant's provision of evidence of completion.
Scholarship Recipient
Scholarship vouchers entitling successful applicants to reimbursement of legitimate expenses related to the activity (registration/tuition fees, travel expenses, meals, lodging, materials required for activity, or substitute fees) will be presented. The reimbursable amount is up to $1000.
The recipient will also be invited and recognized at the awards lunch held during the ILA Annual Conference.
Application Deadline
May 15
Application Submissions
Applicants may apply for either a specific or anticipated activity throughout the year. Application submission opens up in January and the deadline to submit is May 15.
Previous Valerie J. Wilford Scholarship Grant Recipients
2021 Karina Camarillo and Terra Jacobson
2022 Carleigh Obrochta
2023 Annette Bahringer and Julie Flack
2024 Jasmine Schreiber