Inclusive Travel Grants for National Conferences

ILA's Inclusive Travel Grants for National Conferences seek to advance one of the core strategic values of the  ILA Strategic Plan: "Diversity and equity of opportunity." From ILA’s Statement of Commitment to Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion

"We acknowledge...improvement requires intentional change at both the individual and institutional levels. These efforts are two-fold:

  1. Directly support our colleagues from underrepresented populations. We seek to make the library field more accessible to all by creating a culture of inclusion.

  2. Advance the understanding of and support for greater inclusion by ILA leadership and library workers as a whole."

Our Statement is rooted in the Strategic Plan, and this travel grants program is designed primarily to advance the former and indirectly/secondarily the latter.

We are no longer accepting applications for this grant.


  • Three stipends of $2000 each

  • No more than one stipend per recipient

  • Awards will be made up-front rather than on a reimbursement basis

Eligible conferences

  • ALA Annual or LibLearnX

  • ALA divisional conferences: PLA, AASL, ACRL, ALSC Institute or YALSA YA Symposium

  • ARSL

  • JCLC



  • SLA

  • MLA
  • Others may be suggested by applicant; must be national

Eligible Recipients

Librarians and library staff who have faced structural barriers to national participation, including those eligible for ALA’s Spectrum Scholarships (those who identify as American Indian/Alaska Native, Asian, Black/African American, Hispanic/Latino, Middle Eastern/North African, and/or Native Hawaiian/Other Pacific Islander); people with disabilities; people who identify as LGBTQIA+; and rural librarians or library staff.

Criteria and Requirements

  • ILA personal member, or on staff at an ILA institutional member organization

  • Currently work in a library or information role/setting

  • This conference would be the first national conference the applicant has attended

  • Letter of support from library/employer confirming support for applicant’s attendance at the conference (distinct from a recommendation letter, which is not required)

  • 250-word maximum statement indicating interest in attending and what the applicant hopes to gain from attendance at the conference

  • Successful applicants do not need to submit a written report following the event but will need to submit confirmation of registration


Rolling, depending on conference registration dates:

  • First-round applications opened November 20, 2024
    - The deadline for first-round applications for FY 2025-26 is January 17, 2025; awards will be announced by February 3, 2025.
    -If fewer than five successful applications are received, there will be a second round. 


We are no longer accepting applications for this grant.

Previous Inclusive Travel Grant to National Conferences Recipients

2022 Jessica Carapia, Claire Crawford, Nincy George, Vann Harris, and Melanie Wyatt
2023 Ricardo Rodriguez, Wamecca Rodriguez, and Sylvia Rosillo
2024 Beth Smilack and Gissely Herrera

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