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Mentorship Program Frequently Asked Questions
Q: Who can apply and participate?
A: All ILA student members and ILA personal members with less than five years of experience in the profession. Participation is open to library support staff who wish to pursue a career in librarianship.
Q: Is there a cost to participate in the program?
A: No, the program is free.
Q: Why do I have to be a member to participate?
A: The program is a member benefit, so mentees must be personal members of ILA.
Q: Does the program provide continuing education credits?
A: No.
Q: What happens If I am not matched with a mentor or mentee?
A: Your information will be kept and you will be contacted when a mentor or mentee becomes available during the next cycle, if one is already under way.
Q: Is there anything I can do if I don't get along with my mentor or mentee?
A: We understand that sometimes things don't work out, so please contact the Mentorship Program Liaison to discuss the situation. In the event that a feasible resolution cannot be found, you will be paired with another mentor or mentee.
Q: Do I have the option to continue to correspond with my mentor or mentee once our cycle is over?
A: Mentors and mentees are encouraged to continue communication when the cycle has ended, provided both parties agree to it.
Q: After being accepted into the program, what if I have to withdraw as a mentor or mentee?
A: Please contact the Mentorship Program Liaison immediately if you have to withdraw from the program.