Sponsorship Programs


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Library Leadership Partners Program

In 2018, ILA established the Library Leadership Partners program for sponsors interested in supporting ILA's programs and services across a broad spectrum of opportunities: sponsoring and/or exhibiting at the ILA Annual Conference, ILA award sponsorships, other event sponsorships, advertising in the ILA Reporter, and so on. A comprehensive package can be designed to align ILA and donor needs and wishes. Many thanks to our founding member: Today's Business Solutions! Contact Executive Director Cynthia Robinson for further information.

ILA Conference Sponsorships 

Many of the events at the ILA Annual Conference are underwritten by corporations and individuals who support ILA's mission and goals. Sponsorships range in value from $500 to $5,000 and a complete list of sponsorship opportunities is available on the ILA website.  Sponsorships allow ILA to keep conference fees down and encourage greater participation while providing significant exposure to the sponsoring organizations. Contact Conference and Continuing Education Manager Kristin Pekoll for further information. 

ILA Awards Sponsorship

ILA awards recognize the contributions of members toward promoting library service in Illinois. Sponsorships range in value from $250 to $1000 and cover the production of award certificates as well as any cash award. Contact Member Services Manager Tina Koleva for further information.

Other Event Sponsorship

ILA produces a significant array of valuable continuing education and events for librarians, library staff, and library trustees in Illinois, including Directors' University, Elevate Illinois Library Leadership, the Trustee Forum Workshop, the Illinois Youth Services Institute, and Reaching Forward, among others. Sponsorships are available in varying amounts for these; contact Conference and Continuing Education Manager Kristin Pekoll for further information. 

iREAD Summer Reading Programs

Since 1981, iREAD provides high quality, low-cost resources and products that enable local library staff to motivate children, young adults, and adults to read.

Visit the iREAD website »

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