- Annual Reports
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- Creating or Changing Illinois State Library Law
- Illinois Minimum Wage Resources
- Intro to Property Taxes for IL Libraries
- ILA Public Policy Principles
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- Libraries and Immigration Enforcement
- Making Your Case
- Ready, Set, Advocate
- TIFs and Public Library Districts in Illinois
- Top Ten Advocacy Tips
- Unite Against Book Bans in Illinois
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- Conference Program Committee, 2025
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- ILA Reporter Advisory Committee
- Illinois Libraries Present Committee
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- Reaching Forward North Committee
- Reaching Forward South Committee
- Serving Our Public Committee
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- Students and New Professionals Forum (SANP)
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- Publications
Guidelines for Submissions to the ILA Reporter
The ILA Reporter is the Illinois Library Association’s quarterly (as of 2020; formerly bimonthly) magazine and a primary membership benefit for personal, institutional, and associate members. Each issue features articles on professional concerns and developments, along with news of the association, library-related legislation, and libraries around the state. Expression of diverse viewpoints and critical interpretation of professional issues make the magazine a forum for the exchange of ideas crucial to the fulfillment of ILA’s goals. Indexed by EBSCO in Library Literature & Information Science, the ILA Reporter was first published in 1962.
We are particularly interested in articles that focus on a topic or issue beyond just one particular library; ideally, with examples from around the state. Consider a "how to think about" approach rather than a "how to do" approach, with recognition that articles relevant to libraries of various sizes, budgets, and communities are most helpful to the broad ILA readership. Articles that demonstrate relevance across type of library (academic, public, school, special) are especially welcome.
STYLE: Informal, but informative. Factual articles must be inviting and readable, with all statements backed by responsible research and interviews. The Chicago Manual of Style may be used in styling articles for publication, but extensive footnoting is discouraged.
LENGTH: 750–1,500 words.
DEADLINE: If you are planning an article, go ahead and let us know by emailing ila@ila.org. The ILA Reporter Advisory Committee plans the issues well in advance so we will work with you on where your article may best fit and when we'd need the article submitted.
SUBMISSIONS BY E-MAIL: Copy should be submitted by e-mail to ila@ila.org.
EXCLUSIVE SUBMISSION: It is assumed that no other publisher is or will be simultaneously considering a manuscript submitted to the ILA Reporter until that manuscript is returned or written permission is provided by the ILA Reporter editor.
ACCEPTANCE: The editor(s) reserve the right to accept or reject any submission based on current editorial needs.
RIGHTS: Exclusive North American rights are retained until three months after publication, unless another arrangement is made in writing. ILA retains rights to have the published material reproduced, distributed, and sold in microform or electronic text.
REPRINT POLICY: No reprints can be provided, but permission is usually granted for authors to reproduce their contributions as published in the ILA Reporter. Others wishing to republish the text of an article are referred to the author for permission and fee information. A reasonable number of copies are sent to each author. Special arrangements may be necessary to reproduce illustrations.
ACKNOWLEDGMENT: Unsolicited manuscripts are acknowledged when received.
PUBLICATION DATE: On acceptance, an estimated date of publication may be provided to the author. This date is subject to change.
EDITING: On accepted manuscripts, the editors reserve the right to make editorial revisions, deletions, or additions, which, in their opinion, support the author’s intent. When changes are substantial, every effort is made to work with the author.
PHOTOGRAPHS: Color photos are preferred. High-resolution digital .jpg images should be sent to ila@ila.org. Digital Image Specifications: Grayscale or color file, .jpg, .tif, or .eps: 300 ppi (pixels per inch). Bitmap image: 600 ppi. No .gif files.
Captions should be provided identifying all images and individuals shown. Information should include first and last names in the order they appear in the photograph, agency affiliations, and a description of the activity pictured. Captions may include the name of the photographer.
ILLUSTRATIONS: Authors may submit photos or illustrations or the editor may commission illustrations for certain articles and features.
ISSN 0018-9979