(via Leigh Ann DePope, NASIG) The NASIG Program Planning Committee (PPC) invites proposals for the Great Ideas Showcase and the Snapshot Sessions for the 32nd NASIG conference in Indianapolis, IN, June 8 to 11. The theme of the conference is “R…
(via Leigh Ann DePope, NASIG) NASIG will be hosting the webinar “Academic Writing and Publishing”, on Thursday, April 2o, from 12:00 to 1:00 PM CST. The deadline to register for the live event is Wednesday, April 19. To reg…
(via Michelle Haake, CARLI) Each year, CARLI has a number of opportunities to serve on various committees. Service on CARLI committees affords individuals a unique opportunity to use their experience and expertise to help shape the future of the cons…
(via Michelle Haake, CARLI) CARLI is seeking nominations for candidates to fill seats on the CARLI Board of Directors. The Board of Directors is the governing authority of the Consortium of Academic and Research Libraries in Illinois. CARLI Governing…
(via Molly Olmstead, National Network of Libraries of Medicine – Greater Midwest Region) Did you miss this month's GMR Update? Worry not! A recording of the webinar is available on YouTube to be viewed whenever you have a spare moment. Below is…
(via Katy DiVittorio, Auraria Library in Denver, CO) The NASIG Student Outreach Committee (SOC) invites proposals for the Student Spotlight Sessions for the 32nd NASIG Conference in Indianapolis, IN, from June 8 to 11. The theme of the conference is …
(via Lindsay Harmon, IACRL President, on behalf of ACRL) I'm asking you, as an ACRL member, to take 5 minutes today to pick up the phone and call your elected official in the U.S. House of Representatives. Ask him/her to preserve federal library fund…
(via Gwen Gregory, IACRL Past-President) In case you haven’t heard, Tuesday, April 27, is the date for the Teach Out for Illinois Higher Education. Events will take place in Springfield, as well as at individual campuses across the state. Follo…
(via Elizabeth Kiscaden, Associate Director for the National Network of Libraries of Medicine – Greater Midwest Region) This is just a reminder that our NNLM Resource Picks webinar, “How to Make the Most of Your National Library of Medici…
(via Molly Olmstead, National Network of Libraries of Medicine – Greater Midwest Region) The National Network of Libraries of Medicine – Greater Midwest Region is offering eight unique funding opportunities for the May, 201…