(via Gwen Gregory, IACRL Past President) Going to ALA Annual for the first time this summer? Not sure what to expect? Check out the “ACRL 101” webcast to make the most of your first ALA Annual Conference experience. This on…
Several Illinois librarians have articles featured in the ALA Library Instruction Roundtable Top Twenty Articles for 2016. Every year, the American Library Association’s LIRT Top Twenty Committee reviews the library instruction literature …
(via Helena VonVille, University of Texas Health Science Center at Houston) Is your position related to public health or a public-health-related field? Would you like an opportunity to immerse yourself in the public-health field for a few days? …
(via David Ward, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign) Come join the RUSA RSS Research and Statistics Committee for a lively presentation of exciting new research in the field of reference services. Our presenters, selected using a blind …
(via Krista Higham, Millersville University) For those attending ALA Annual in Chicago, please join us for the ILL Discussion Group. It will take place on Saturday, June 24, from 10:30 to 11:30 AM, at McCormick Place, Room W187a. The agenda…
(via Julie Martin, Northeast Document Conservation Center) Registration is open for the 2017 Digital Directions Conference. The meeting will take place from Monday, August 21, to Wednesday, August 23. The theme of this year’s eve…
(via David Oberhelman, Oklahoma State University) Please join us at ALA Annual in Chicago on Saturday, June 24, from 1:00 to 2:30 PM, in MCP W179a, for the ACRL Instruction Section/Distance Learning Section/Community and Jr. Colle…
(via Donna Witek, The University of Scranton) The ACRL Framework Advisory Board (FAB) is pleased to announce the launch of the ACRL Framework for Information Literacy Toolkit. The ACRL Framework for Information Literacy Toolkit is…
(via Jodie Borgerding, Amigos Library Services) We anticipate over 250 ACRL members will be attending their first ALA Annual Conference in Chicago. We’d like to help our first-time attendees make the most of their conference experience. As…
(via Yen Tran, San Jose State University) ACRL Press is planning to publish a book titled Supporting Today’s Students in the Library: Strategies for Retaining and Graduating International, Transfer, First-Generation, and Re-Entry Students.…