Committee & Forum News


Forum Spotlight - Library Trustee Forum
November 14, 2019 - Library Trustee Forum (LTF)
Trustee Attendance at 2019 ILA Annual Conference - The Illinois Library Association Annual Conference offered an excellent opportunity for trustees to attend programs and network with librarians and other library trustees. This year, there were …
RTSF Annual Meeting Notes, October 24, 2019
November 4, 2019 - Resources & Technical Services Forum (RTSF)
Academic Librarian Dinner with Colleagues and Pub Stroll at ILA Annual Conference
October 18, 2019 - Illinois Association of College & Research Libraries Forum (IACRL)
Interested in additional opportunities to network with your fellow academic librarians at next week’s Illinois Library Association Annual Conference, while unwinding after a long day of presentations? Don’t miss dinner with colleagues on …
Committee Spotlight - iREAD Committee
October 17, 2019 - iREAD Committee
The iREAD Committee is a dynamic group of volunteers dedicated to promoting reading, literacy and learning for all ages every year. The main task of the committee is to create content for the iREAD Program every summer, including determinin…
Registration Open for "My Library Is..." Online Roundtable for Academic Libraries (10:00-11:30 AM on Nov. 5)
September 30, 2019 - Illinois Association of College & Research Libraries Forum (IACRL)
(via Dan Bostrom, Reaching Across Illinois Library System) My Library Is... Online Roundtable for Academic Libraries Share tips, ideas, and best practices relevant to promoting the value of your academic library. On Tuesday, November 5, 10:00-11:30 A…
Forum Spotlight - Reaching Forward Forum
September 26, 2019 - Reaching Forward Forum (RF)
The Reaching Forward Forum is working to plan and implement the Reaching Forward library staff development conference for May 2020 and has just begun meeting to consider the first batch of program submissions. Now going strong in its 31st y…
ILA Reference Services Award winner Stacey Knight-Davis
September 20, 2019 - Illinois Association of College & Research Libraries Forum (IACRL)
Interviewed by Jill Harper, Heartland Community College Stacey Knight-Davis Stacey Knight-Davis is the Head of Library Technology Services at Eastern Illinois University and has won the ILA Reference Services Award for 2019. We wanted to catch up wit…
Publications by Illinois Academic Librarians: March to August 2019
September 20, 2019 - Illinois Association of College & Research Libraries Forum (IACRL)
Compiled by Emily Gilbert, Rasmussen College Ahrens, Aric. (2019). Depository designations. DttP: A Quarterly Journal of Government Information Practice & Perspective, 47(1), 7-14.  Becks, Courtney. (2019). Amos Paul Kennedy, Jr., letterpres…
Member Spotlight: Tracy Ruppman
September 20, 2019 - Illinois Association of College & Research Libraries Forum (IACRL)
  Tracy Ruppman Interviewed by Emily Gilbert, Rasmussen College IACRL: How did you decide to pursue librarianship? Tracy Ruppman: I didn’t really decide; it just sort of happened. Or maybe I was destined for it, and I hadn’t known it…
Chicago Research Summit
September 20, 2019 - Illinois Association of College & Research Libraries Forum (IACRL)
by Matt Ostercamp, North Park UniversityThe Chicago region is a great laboratory for learning. Its diverse population, complex economy, world-class cultural institutions, and natural setting are all ripe with possibilities for academic exploration. T…
iREAD Summer Reading Programs

Since 1981, iREAD provides high quality, low-cost resources and products that enable local library staff to motivate children, young adults, and adults to read.

Visit the iREAD website »