Directors University Application Open

February 22, 2018

The second annual Directors University will be held June 4-8, 2018, at the Illinois State Library in Springfield. Lodging will be at the State House Inn, 101 E. Adams Street. This week-long University is intended for first-time directors and directors new to Illinois from public libraries of all shapes and sizes. 

The five-day series of workshops will train public library directors for their new executive roles. The University will also provide opportunities for networking and team building through lectures and small, informal discussions. Participants are required to attend all workshops. Topics for the week include library & employment law, policies, budgeting, board-director relations, leadership, community partnerships, and Illinois State Library and system competencies. 

The deadline for application is March 23. Attendees will be notified of their selection by mid-April. Learn more or submit your application.

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