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Call for Submissions: International Conference on Knowledge Management
Illinois Association of College & Research Libraries Forum (IACRL)
June 9, 2017(via Dr. Sian Brannon, University of North Texas)
The International Conference on Knowledge Management (ICKM) provides academics, researchers, developers, practitioners, Library and Information Professionals, and users from all over the world a forum for discussion and exchange of ideas concerning theoretical and practical aspects of Knowledge Management. ICKM 2017 will be held in Dallas, Texas, from Wednesday, October 25, to Friday, October 27, and it will be hosted by the Knowledge and Information Professional Association. The main theme of the conference is “Big Data in the Big D”. More information about the Big Data track is below.
Big Data in Libraries
Libraries have long history of dealing with big data. Even though libraries were mainly concerned with published material, they also generated and managed other types of data related to various traditional functions such as material acquisition, material usages, card catalogues logs, reference services and so on. Libraries also used data analysis and data analytics to analyze patron usage of the collection. They are using it today to understand material and collection usage to determine rising cost of library subscription to digital services provided by publisher and content providers. Today, libraries have no choice but to work with digital collections and data sets generated by research projects or internal operations within the organization. The long-term curation of such valuable digital data can only be libraries and information centers. This means libraries will have to develop the needed expertise and organization need to make the necessary resources available to libraries. To navigate this new and ever-evolving scholarly communication ecosystem, the track on big data in Libraries will focus on the following broader areas.
- library management and innovation in the big data era
- big data and the data management challenge
- big data and digital libraries
- knowledge repositories and data warehousing
- digital curation and data management
- big data curation
- documents and records management
- archival management and web archiving
- library in the age of digital media
Submission Deadlines
full papers and poster submissions: Saturday, July 1
practitioners and work-in-progress presentations (abstracts submission): Saturday, July 1
notification of acceptance: Saturday, July 15
final camera-ready for full papers submission: Monday, August 15
For more information about the Conference, including the other tracks for submitting papers, please go here.