2015 Trustee Workshop

January 12, 2015

The 2015 ILA Trustee Forum Workshop will be held at the Chicago Marriott Oak Brook on Saturday, February 14.


Registration includes the workshop sessions, a continental breakfast, buffet luncheon, and two breaks.  Register one attendee at the full price and each additional attendee from your institution will receive a $10 registration discount.


This year's workshops will focus on how to prepare your board for what lies ahead. 

Britt Isaly and Julie Tappendorf, Ancel Glink will discuss "Library Board Wars and Power Plays:  How to Resolve Them and How to Avoid Them." 

Seasoned and newly elected trustees will benefit from this review and refresher of who has the power to do what within a library government: how to act under library laws and procedures, how to follow proper voting procedure, how to deal with vacancies and make appointments, how to address parliamentary matters, conflicts and related issues.  


Monica Harris, Deputy Director of the Schaumburg Township District Library, will present "Tech Trends for Trustees."  She will discuss new trends in consumer technology as well as the latest in how access to new technology is changing the world around us - and our libraries.


The afternoon will include a legislative update from Kip Kolkmeier, ILA Legislative Consultant, and a Q&A with Library Attorney Phil Lenzini. Bring your questions!


Click here for more information and to register online

or download the registration form

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