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Bring the New “Engaging with the ACRL Framework” Workshop to Your Campus
Illinois Association of College & Research Libraries Forum (IACRL)
May 20, 2017(via the Association of College and Research Libraries)
The Association of College and Research Libraries (ACRL) announces its newest workshop, “Engaging with the ACRL Framework: A Catalyst for Exploring and Expanding Our Teaching Practices“, is now available for scheduling beginning in July 2017. The Framework workshop joins the slate of ACRL’s other workshops that can be brought to your campus, chapter, or consortia upon request throughout the year.
Led by two expert presenters, this one-day immersive workshop supports librarians in engaging more deeply with the Framework for Information Literacy for Higher Education and in exploring ways it may help enrich their individual teaching practices, as well as their local instruction programs and institutions. This workshop is relevant to any librarian who supports teaching and learning, whether through direct instruction or through instructional programming or initiatives.
Learning Outcomes
- Recognize the overarching goals and the major components of the Framework and what theories influenced the document’s creation.
- Reflect on their personal perspectives on and experiences with the Framework and how these influence their engagement with the document.
- Examine their unique institutional and instructional contexts and the possibilities and constraints these contexts present for their pedagogical work,
- Apply principles of instructional design to develop instruction that is centered on the Frames and that fosters learning transfer and metacognition.
- Explore the unique knowledge and experiences that librarians bring to teaching and learning and their implications for expanding librarians’ instructional roles and partnerships.
- Explore how the Framework can be used to foster dialogue and collaboration among educators.
More information about the workshop, including a full program description, sample schedule for the day, presenter biographies, and host responsibilities, is available on the ACRL website. For questions about workshop pricing and logistics, or to schedule a workshop at your institution, contact ACRL Program Officer Chase Ollis at collis@ala.org or 312-280-2521.