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ACRL Sets 2017 Legislative Agenda
Illinois Association of College & Research Libraries Forum (IACRL)
April 29, 2017(via Gwen Gregory, IACRL Past President)
Each year, the ACRL Government Relations Committee, in consultation with the ACRL Board of Directors and staff, formulates an ACRL Legislative Agenda. Drafted with input from key ACRL committees, ACRL leaders, and the ALA Washington Office, the ACRL Legislative Agenda is prioritized and focuses on issues at the national level affecting the welfare of academic and research libraries. The ACRL Board of Directors recently approved the 2076 ACRL Legislative Agenda in time for National Library Legislative Day, May 1-2, in Washington, D.C.
The 2017 ACRL Legislative Agenda focuses on four issues that the U.S. Congress has recently taken, or will most likely take, action on in the year ahead: federal funding for libraries, network neutrality, access to federally funded research, and privacy and government surveillance. The agenda also includes a watch list of policy issues of great concern to academic librarians. Legislation on these issues is not likely to arise and, moreover, ACRL does not believe that any legislation about these issues is necessary. Issues on the watch list are: access to government data, proposed budget cuts, and activities of the Congressional House Education and the Workforce Committee. ACRL will continue tracking these issues and advocate for the best interests of academic and research libraries, if necessary. Read the complete legislative agenda for more details.
Don’t forget to advocate for libraries in early May by calling or emailing Congress as part of ALA’s Virtual Library Legislative Day. Virtual Library Legislative Day activities will be held throughout the week of May 1-5, 2017, and will be an opportunity for all library advocates to make their voices heard on a national level. Library advocates who cannot make it to Capitol Hill for the event can be a part of the effort by calling and/or emailing their elected officials any time the week of May 1-5.
Over the next few days, please take a moment to register, and then ask others in your circles — members, followers, patrons, fellow library staffers, and friends — to join. You’ll receive reminders to take action, along with talking points, email templates, and other resources to help you craft your message. You’ll also find a link to the live webcast from National Library Legislative Day, so you hear the issue briefing live from D.C. on May 1.