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Call for Proposals: Indiana University Libraries Information Literacy Colloquium (Deadline May 12)
Illinois Association of College & Research Libraries Forum (IACRL)
April 16, 2017(via Nancy Wootton Colborn, Indiana University South Bend)
The IU Libraries Information Literary Colloquium invites proposals for a one-day conference on Thursday, August 3, at the IU Southeast campus in New Albany, Indiana. The current sociopolitical climate has brought terms such as “fake news” and “alternative facts” into our collective discourse. Academic librarians are already concerned with teaching learners how to evaluate sources and think critically about information. It is more urgent than ever for librarians to bring nuance to and promote critical thinking in the conversations about how we teach learners to participate in a complicated, confusing, and ever-shifting information landscape.
The Colloquium seeks to explore which pedagogical strategies and theoretical perspectives librarians might employ to engage students in complex conversations about the nature of credibility, truth, and authority. The planning committee for the IU Libraries Information Literacy Colloquium is seeking proposals for 60-minute interactive workshops that engage participants in investigating, examining, or describing how information literacy can be enacted in the library instruction and other relevant settings. These workshops should be modeled more like interactive instruction sessions than passive, lecture-style presentations. Topics should be contextualized specifically in information literacy instruction in the current sociopolitical climate. Possible topics may include, but are not limited to, the following.
- how specific pedagogical perspectives, such as critical information literacy, might affect the way we teach students to evaluate sources
- approaches to teaching information evaluation within the limits of the one-shot model
- using–or not using–the ACRL Framework as a tool to influence source evaluation instruction
- revising the information-literacy curriculum in light of the evolving information landscape
- information evaluation and the reference desk
- information evaluation in online environments (e.g., tutorials, modules, learning objects, chat, etc.)
- the importance of relationship-building with faculty and how this influences the awareness and understanding of information literacy on campus
- incorporating information literacy into library outreach, programming, collection development, or other library services
Proposals should clearly describe how presenters will use interactive strategies to engage participants. Please submit proposals here by Friday, May 12. Those individuals chosen to presenters will be notified by May 19. More information about the Colloquium can be found here.