Early-Bird Registration Deadline for Canadian Health Libraries Association Conference is April 10

Illinois Association of College & Research Libraries Forum (IACRL)

April 9, 2017

(via Janice Kung, University of Alberta)

We are very excited to welcome you to Edmonton, Alberta, for the 2017 Canadian Health Libraries Association / Association des bibliothèques de la santé du Canada Conference. The Conference will take place from Tuesday, May 16, to Friday, May 19. The theme for this year’s event is “Northern Illumination” / “Lumières du Nord”. Through a series of plenary and parallel sessions, posters and continuing-education workshops, the scientific program will cover the following sub-themes.

  • emerging roles for health librarians
  • exciting teaching developments
  • expert and systematic searching
  • health library spaces
  • hospital and special libraries
  • impact assessment for health information
  • innovative collections
  • other illuminating topics

Check out the incredible line-up of speakers, including some great keynoters, in our Book of Abstracts. If you are interested in signing up for one of our continuing-education workshops, please click here.

The early-bird registration deadline is Monday, April 10. For additional information on the Conference, please go here. You can view the latest updates on Twitter and Instagram.

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