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Webinar on National Library of Medicine Traveling Banner Exhibitions at 2:00 PM on March 29
Illinois Association of College & Research Libraries Forum (IACRL)
March 29, 2017(via Elizabeth Kiscaden, Associate Director for the National Network of Libraries of Medicine – Greater Midwest Region)
This is just a reminder that our NNLM Resource Picks webinar, “How to Make the Most of Your National Library of Medicine Traveling Banner Exhibition!”, takes place on Wednesday, March 29, from 2:00 to 3:00 PM CST. You may register for the webinar here. The course is worth 1.0 hour of continuing-education credit from the Medical Library Association. A brief description of the webinar is below.
In late 2016, the University of Washington, based in Seattle, Washington, which serves as the Pacific Northwest Region (PNR) National Network library, hosted a brief questionnaire, using Survey Monkey, asking librarians what they would want to learn about hosting a National Library of Medicine traveling banner exhibition. Over 250 representatives from libraries across the country responded with questions, ideas, and preferences. Their replies shaped this webinar. Please listen in to learn about what your colleagues are doing to reach new audiences using NLM traveling banner exhibitions. The webinar is hosted by Patricia Tuohy, Head of the Exhibition Program at NLM, and includes a number of presenters who will share their successes in marketing, locating partners and funding, attracting visitors, and creating their own displays to complement the exhibitions.
NNLM Resource Picks is a collaborative, bimonthly, webcast series featuring the National Library of Medicine resources to increase awareness of these resources as well as encourage their integration by libraries and other organizations to more fully serve their colleagues and communities. Several of the National Network of Libraries of Medicine offices are combining efforts to feature resource experts from NLM for this national webinar series. Each session has general objectives for attendees, including recognizing the featured NLM resource, knowing how to locate the specific resource, and explain to others how to use the featured resource. Attendees will actively participate through questions and dialogue, along with having the opportunity to complete an evaluation afterwards.