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Try Out a Licensed Workshop at ACRL 2017
Illinois Association of College & Research Libraries Forum (IACRL)
March 19, 2017(via ACRL)
Note: The names of workshop presenters from Illinois are in bold.
Looking to strengthen your library’s professional skills? ACRL offers a variety of licensed workshops that can be brought upon request to your campus, chapter, or consortia. Led by expert presenters, these full-day immersive workshops are designed to engage participants and help academic librarians strengthen competencies in multiple areas of concentration.
To see if one of ACRL’s workshops is the right fit for your institution, come try a mini-sample of some of these workshops on Friday, March 24, 2017, 4:15-5:15pm, BCC rooms 343-350. For questions, please contact Chase Ollis at collis@ala.org or 312-280-2521.
Assessing Your Toolkit: Is the Research Data Management Roadshow For You
Research data management has emerged as a need among academic researchers, and liaisons are building skills in response. The RDM Workshop will assist liaisons to identify their existing skills and mindsets that transfer to research data management services and then create a learning plan for the RDM-specific knowledge needed to serve their subject disciplines. Join three of the presenters for this workshop to assess your data management training skills, learn about the full workshop content, and gain more information about this continuing education opportunity that can be brought to your organization upon request.
Speakers: Christina Chan-Park, Baylor University; Abigail Goben, University of Illinois Chicago; Laura Palumbo, Rutgers University
Intersections Open House: What are the Intersections of Scholarly Communication and Information Literacy, and What Can They Do for You?
Scholarly communication and information literacy are dynamic and intersecting strands in librarianship. They not only reinforce each other, they also further the larger aims of students, faculty, librarians, and entire institutions. We will guide participants in uncovering core concepts of the intersections and reflecting on how the intersections can strengthen various library initiatives. We’ll provide examples of how the intersections bolster the messages of librarians in various roles. We will also describe how the Intersections workshop can move your professional goals from idea to reality. Finally, we’ll have an open discussion about how the intersections can help you and your institution.
Speakers: Maryam Fakouri, Columbia College Chicago; Emma Molls, University of Minnesota; Michelle Reed, University of Texas at Arlington; John Watts, University of Nevada-Las Vegas
The Action Research Roadshow Overview: Assessing and Communicating Library Contributions to Student Learning and Success
Higher education institutions are facing intensified attention to assessment and accountability issues. Academic libraries are increasingly connecting with colleagues and campus stakeholders to design and implement assessment that documents their contributions to institutional priorities. Learn about this day-long workshop on strategic and sustainable assessment in which participants identify institutional priorities and campus partners, design an assessment project grounded in action research, and prepare a plan for communicating the project results. This workshop can be brought on-demand to your organization and is based on the highly successful ACRL Assessment in Action program curriculum.
Speakers: Lisa Janicke Hinchliffe, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign; Sara Lowe, Indiana University-Purdue University Indianapolis; Eric Resnis, Miami University; Brandy Whitlock, Anne Arundel Community College
A Standards Roadshow Overview for “Planning, Assessing, and Communicating Library Impact: Putting the Standards for Libraries in Higher Education into Action”
Libraries in higher education are increasingly required to demonstrate their value and document their contributions to overall institutional effectiveness. The Standards for Libraries in Higher Education is a framework for library planning and assessment that can be used for a variety of circumstances including annual planning, program review, and accreditation self-study. Through presentation, discussion, and group activities, participants learn how to use the Standards to communicate your library’s impact. This workshop can be brought on-demand to your organization.
Speakers: Lisa Janicke Hinchliffe, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign; Rhonda Huisman, Marian University; Lisa Stillwell, Franklin & Marshall College