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Early-Bird Pricing for Video-Related Programs at ALA Annual Ends March 22
Illinois Association of College & Research Libraries Forum (IACRL)
March 19, 2017(via Laine Thielstrom, Colby College)
June may seem like a long way off, but ALA Annual in Chicago is right around the corner. In fact, early-bird pricing ends at noon, Wednesday, March 22nd.
Register now and don’t miss these great ALA Video Round Table programs running June 24th-25th:
Evening Ticketed Event:
VRT Gala: Tuned In, Turned On! Videofreex Tape the World
SUNDAY, JUNE 25, 7:00 PM – 9:00 PM
***Tickets are limited, so order soon!***
Ticketed Event: Early Bird Member $20; Early Bird Non-Member $25
Join VRT for drinks and hors d’oeuvres followed by a presentation from Abina Manning, Director of Video Data Bank and Curator of a collection of over 1,400 tapes created by members of the Videofreex, one of the country’s earliest radical video collectives. Coincides with the VRT and Cinema Guild co-sponsored “Now Showing @ALA” program screening of the feature length documentary “Here Come the Videofreex!” For more info: http://2017.alaannual.org/ticketed-events
Daytime Programs:
Video as Research Data: Challenges & Solutions in Video Data Preservation
(Co-sponsored by ACRL ANSS, ACRL DCIG and ALCTS Digital Preservation Group)
SATURDAY, JUNE 24, 10:30 AM – 11:30 AM
Videos are often taken as a part of scholarly research projects, yet this presents challenges for librarians who advise researchers on federally-mandated data sharing and storage. Participants will learn strategies they can assess against needs at their home institution. For more info:
Filming Our Future: Growing a Video Production Niche in the Ak-Chin Indian Community
(LITA Program, co-sponsored by VRT)
SATURDAY, JUNE 24, 1:00 PM – 2:30PM
For the past seven years the Ak-Chin Indian Community Library has found a niche in the community using the power of film and in 2016, the library’s Movie Club program was selected as one of YALSA’s Top Ten Summer Learning Programs. Learn how to make a positive impact in your community using film and creativity. For more info:
Community Partnerships and Digital Literacy through Public Service Announcements
(Co-sponsored by PLA, YALSA)
SATURDAY, JUNE 24, 3:00 PM – 4:00 PM
Libraries are increasingly finding ways to help their school-age patrons to communicate creatively and make a positive impact in their communities through video projects. Representatives from the Carson City Library and School District share tips from their experiences helping high school freshmen create 60-second PSAs that raise awareness of social issues at their school. For more info:
Rocking the Small Screen (Without Losing Your Mind): Planning and Managing Library Promotional Videos
(Co-sponsored by PLA, ACRL LMOIG)
SATURDAY, JUNE 24, 3:00 PM – 4:00 PM
Video on the web is one of today’s hottest social networking trends, but what can online videos do to promote your library? A public library and a university library will both share what they have learned and how realistic expectations can bring success. For more info:
How Are Our Instructors Truly Using Media? A Multifaceted Approach to Developing Departmental Course Media Use Profiles
SATURDAY, JUNE 24, 4:30 PM – 5:30 PM
One of the greatest challenges for librarians working with media collections is deeply understanding the use of these materials in course context. This program will describe a multifaceted approach to this challenge that combines mining large corpora of departmental syllabi using NVIVO text analysis software with reserves, survey, and interpersonal correspondence data to build departmental media resource use profiles. For more info:
Preservation Showdown: Audiovisual Edition!
(ALCTS Program, co-sponsored by VRT)
SUNDAY, JUNE 25, 10:30 AM – 11:30 AM
Two teams will go head to head to debate the statement “The preservation of analog audiovisual media is the single most important preservation issue facing libraries (and archives and museums) in 2017.” Teams will include members from the Preservation and Reformatting Section (PARS) and the Video Round Table (VRT), bringing their different perspectives to each side of the issue. Audience members will be expected to ask questions during the debate, and the debate will be followed by an open discussion. For more info:
Create, Communicate, Captivate: Inspiring Media Production in Your Library
(Co-sponsored by LITA)
SUNDAY, JUNE 25, 1:00 PM – 2:30PM
Learn how academic, school and public libraries can spark creativity and transform users from passive consumers of media into content creators and active participants in their information environment. Join us as we guide you through key aspects of creating a thriving video production space and coaching users effectively to create amazing multi-modal works which can be showcased to promote and inspire more participation and increase support for high-impact programs. For more info:
Distributing Archives: Preservation, Restoration, and Access
(Co-sponsored by AMIA, The Association of Moving Image Archivists)
SUNDAY, JUNE 25, 3:00 PM – 4:00 PM
Panel will discuss organizations acting as both archives and distributors of moving image materials. Attendees will learn about the challenges for media content providers that are also caretakers of their holdings; the difference between preservation and restoration of moving images; and the importance of preserving motion picture film and the projection experience. For more info:
Now Showing@ALA:
Stay Tuned for screening dates and times for four great documentaries!
Agents of Change
Directed by Frank Dawson and Abby Ginzberg, 66 mins, co-sponsor California Newsreel
Here Come the Videofreex
Directed by Jon Nealon & Jenny Raskin, 78 mins, co-sponsor Cinema Guild
Long Story Short
Directed by Natalie Bookchin, 45 mins, co-sponsor Icarus Films
The Brainwashing of My Dad
Directed by Jon Senko, 89 mins, co-sponsor Forward in Time