Call for Proposals: CARLI Forum on Collections Data Analysis and Maintenance

Illinois Association of College & Research Libraries Forum (IACRL)

January 2, 2017

(via Elizabeth Clarage, CARLI)

The CARLI Technical Services and Collection Management Committees are organizing a spring forum on using data related to collection assessment, database maintenance, and measuring impact. We are seeking presentation proposals for our forum to be held on April 28, 2017 from 9:30-3:30 at Governors State University, University Park, IL. We are looking for presentations that share practical solutions for using collections data.

Example presentation topics include:

·         Demonstrating impact of collections to administrators

·         Data for librarians new to selection responsibilities and/or library administration

·         Data gone wrong: working with inaccurate or misleading data

·         Tracking and using e-book statistics

·         Tips and tricks for data cleanup and analysis

·         Data visualization: Excel, Tableau, etc.

·         Breaking out of big deals

We are also seeking an institution that has completed an assessment cycle or project that featured collaboration across various functional units (e.g. cataloging, circulation, collection management, reference/public services, systems), who would be willing to report on their experience, tools used, process, outcome, etc. in a panel presentation.

The goal of this forum is to share our experiences working with data and to create resources for CARLI members to be hosted on the CARLI website. Please send your proposals (including name, position, institution, contact information, and a 50–200 word abstract) to and by January 19, 2017. Presenters will be notified by February 28, 2017.

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