IACRL Unconference Wrap-Up

Illinois Association of College & Research Libraries Forum (IACRL)

October 15, 2024

By Kim Tipton, McHenry County College

We’re pleased to share that the IACRL Unconference at ILA 2024 once again was a success! The Unconference was attended by 15 people who suggested numerous important topics to discuss, like distance/online librarianship, open educational resources (OER), the changing student landscape, and more. Participants voted to discuss the following three topics: Team Morale Improvement, Management and Training, and Professional Development for Staff.

Team Morale Improvement

Participants offered many ideas that could lead to lowered library team morale. Some suggested that lack of or decreased library funding could lead to staff being asked to take on more with fewer resources, which may lead to burnout. Others said that the gendered nature of library work can also lead to burnout and cause morale to suffer. Another possibility for lowered team morale was due to team expectations and felt that faculty held certain privileges over staff positions.

One solution to improve the morale of the library team was to create a social committee who could plan team outings, like an escape room. Other suggestions included improving communication within the library and an understanding of different communication styles. Discussions also centered around management. Participants thought managers could be more empathetic, transparent, and vulnerable; consistent in their communication; and build stability within the library.

Management and Training

Much of this discussion centered around better training of student employees and new librarians who may not have instruction experience. Participants felt that those positions could benefit from increased professional development and consistent onboarding expectations. For student employees, working in the library may be their first job experience and would benefit from clearer directives and better training. Suggestions for training student employees included role playing different scenarios and help with customer service skills, like answering phones and greeting patrons. One way to assess their work was to create a rubric and everyone should be held accountable, including managers.

Professional Development for Staff

Discussions around this topic included ways that professional development could be offered to staff. Participants felt that decreased or unstable staffing levels were a reason more training was needed. They shared their experiences with lack of late-night staff or how one person out could have a huge impact on library operations. One solution was to give staff at all levels the opportunity to share their skills/expertise with one another. Others thought that professional development and goal setting should be included as part of evaluation discussions; release time should be given for webinars; and professional development should be funded for staff positions. Everyone felt that it was important to celebrate wins and let people share their professional development accomplishments, such as special certifications.

We hope you’ll join us for next year’s IACRL Unconference. It’s a great opportunity to meet those new to academic libraries and IACRL, and to discuss these important issues that we all face.

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