Message from the IACRL President: Shannon Pohrte, Elgin Community College

Illinois Association of College & Research Libraries Forum (IACRL)

September 26, 2024

Hello IACRL members!

I am looking forward to being president this year and supporting academic library workers through IACRL. IACRL has some exciting things coming down the pike. 

In October, there is the ILA Annual Conference in Peoria. We have the Unconference at 8 am on Wednesday, 10/9 to network and chat with academic library workers and the IACRL luncheon on Oct 9 at noon. Zachary Benedict will be speaking at the luncheon to talk about his experiences with inclusive placemaking. Also please come say hi at the ACRL booth! I am looking forward to meeting the members of IACRL at the ILA Annual conference. There is still time to sign up to attend!

Coming from a perspective of servant leadership, I would like to encourage you to contact me or any of the IACRL committee members to let us know what you would like IACRL to do or get involved with that would serve the membership. You can find contact info for us at the IACRL homepage. If you would like to become involved, please reach out. You can also keep informed of what is going on with IACRL by joining our email list and finding us on Facebook and X.  

This coming year can bring support and connection to Illinois academic librarians and staff so they can keep doing the amazing work in service of their communities. Have a great Fall semester!

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