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Registration Deadline for UIC Course on Evidence Based Practice is Nov. 28
Illinois Association of College & Research Libraries Forum (IACRL)
November 23, 2016(via Emily Johnson, UIC Library of the Health Sciences – Peoria)
There are still seats available in “Evidence Based Practice: Online Continuing Education Course”, which is offered through the University of Illinois. Please submit the registration form by 9:00 AM CST on Monday, November 28. The course begins on Monday, December 5, and ends on Monday, January 23. More information about the content is below.
This asynchronous online course is designed to introduce health and information professionals to the principles of evidence based practice (EBP). It will focus on the literature of evidence, epidemiological concepts, and, most importantly, the steps of the EBP process. Recorded lectures, independent readings, assignments, and threaded discussions provide an opportunity for assimilation, interaction, and exchange of ideas. Formative feedback will be given throughout the course.
Learning Objectives
- discuss evidence based practice (EBP) and its importance for clinical decision-making
- formulate a clinical question using the PICO format
- conduct an effective search of the literature, using advanced search strategies, in order to find the best primary and secondary sources of evidence
- Apply appropriate criteria in appraising an article for validity and reliability
- produce a formal EBM analysis using the CAT (Critically Appraised Topic) format
It will take approximately 20-30 hours to complete the course. Consider reserving 3 hours of dedicated time per unit for optimum benefit. The course is approved for 21 Medical Library Association (MLA) Continuing Education credits, and it is limited to 25 participants. The cost of participating is $150. For additional information, please contact Deborah Lauseng, at dlauseng@uic.edu, or Carmen Howard, at choward4@uic.edu.