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Member Spotlight - Jennifer Hovanec
Reaching Forward North Committee
April 29, 2024This week's member spotlight is on Jennifer Hovanec. Jennifer is the Executive Director of the La Grange Public Library. Jennifer is a member of the Reaching Forward North Committee and has served on the ILA Best Practices, Conference Program, Nominating, and iREAD Committees.
We asked Jennifer to tell us a little about herself and answer a few professional and amusing questions. Continue reading to find out more about Jennifer.
A little background on Jennifer:
One of my earliest memories is being a very angry Kindergartener because I was told that I could only check out certain books from a certain cart during a visit to the school library. I tried to explain that I didn't care if other books were hard, I'd already read all the ones on the cart! I stubbornly left with no books that day, but it was alright—I had good books at home to read. I was your regular nose-in-a-book kinda kid.
My imagination grew through reading; I always wanted to talk to people about books and writing. I earned my BA in English Language and Literature and Secondary Education at Benedictine University in 2006. I graduated with my MLIS from Dominican University in 2011. Over the course of my library career, I've held a variety of positions, from Page to managing and building a Digital and Maker Services Department to Executive Director.
I've worked at 6 libraries across Cook and Will Counties, each of them having varying budgets, staff sizes, and community sizes. Since 2023, I have been the Executive Director of the La Grange Public Library, the culmination of every job I held and every hard-earned lesson. I am also a proud member of the LACONI networking group, a Director on the RAILS Board, and I serve as an elected library trustee for the Villa Park Public Library.
I am endlessly entertained by my husband Roy, and our very loving, very goofy dogs Sarge and Peggy. When I'm not doing library stuff, I'm usually at my nephew's sporting events as part of his cheering section or traveling.
How did you get your start in libraries?
I was working in retail management in 2008 when my location closed. I took the severance package and thought about the last time I was really happy in my work life, and I'd loved working at the Justice and Frankfort Public Libraries in my high school years. I attended an open house at Dominican University, and Janice Del Negro charmed me, confirming that I needed to study library work.
I worked part time at the Prairie Trails Public Library throughout my MLIS program, and started my first full time Teen and Programming Librarian job at the New Lenox Public Library after I finished my degree. Looking back, getting let go from a job helped me find my profession!
Best advice you've received since starting your career in libraries?
Every time you practice vulnerability as a leader, you open the door to your staff being vulnerable with you. Admitting when you are wrong or need help does not diminish your capacity to lead. Rather, it is a clear statement of your aptitude for learning and resilience. Trust is earned every day through your caring, your consistency, and your competence; therefore, vulnerability is a tool of trust.
Any advice to newcomers working in libraries?
You are not alone in your experiences, so think outside of your building! This field is full of people in all departments and all library types who are willing to share their success with you, and before you know it, someone will reach out to YOU to learn about your successes. We are better when we share and support each other.
When and why did you become a member of ILA?
I've been a member of ILA since the 2010's. I became involved after expressing some frustration with a professional development activity that I was trying to work through, and I couldn't understand WHY something was done the way it was. I grumped about it to my then-Director Kate Hall. Though she does not remember this moment, she gave me some very motivational and impactful advice -- "If you'd do something differently, get involved and make a difference."
I now encourage others to join because my personal growth and learning is a direct product of those first experiences with my first ILA committee, iREAD. That committee changed my professional trajectory in many ways.
How has being a member of ILA helped you professionally?
Networking is so valuable, and giving my time to ILA committees and forums has given me so many opportunities to meet others and make connections. I've been fortunate to do that because my organizations have supported my efforts over the years. Now, I see it as my duty to pay it forward to others in our profession, opening as many seats at the table as I can!
What is your proudest professional achievement to date?
I've had so many, but I think that completing my first year as an Executive Director is my hardest-earned achievement. I wasn't sure if I'd ever be a Director, though I knew that I wanted it...it's a tough job! But when this opportunity to lead the La Grange Public Library opened up, I felt that same pull I did when I chose librarianship. I trusted my gut, threw my hat in the ring, and got the job. I am so proud to be the leader for this group. They show up for each other every day, and that creates the right environment for superior patron service. They are knowledgeable, they are willing, and they are kind.
Hardcover, paperback, e-reader, audiobook, or all?
e-Audiobooks all day!
Favorite authors?
Richard Osman for perfect British humor Mysteries, T.J.Klune for beautiful world building Fantasy, Sarah Gailey for bone chilling Thriller/Horror.
If you were stuck on a deserted island, what five books would you bring with you to pass the time until being rescued?
The House on the Cerulean Sea, T.J. Klune
Children Make Terrible Pets, Peter Brown
Leslie F*cking Jones, Leslie Jones
The Thursday Night Murder Club, Richard Osman
How to Build a Girl, Caitlin Moran
Cat or Dog?
Dogs, but only because I'm allergic to cats! They're cool. Shout out to my dogs Sarge and Peggy!
Favorite film, podcast, or television show?
I rewatch both Parks and Rec and The Office regularly.
One person you would like to meet, dead or alive why?
Rainn Wilson. Not only do I think he was a great Assistant to the Regional Manager, but if you watch his travel series "Rainn Wilson and the Geography of Bliss," I think you might want to have a conversation with him, too.