Publications by Illinois Academic Librarians

Illinois Association of College & Research Libraries Forum (IACRL)

March 20, 2024

Compiled by Kim Tipton, McHenry County College

Blewett, Daniel K.  "Serving Graduate Students at a Community College Library."  Journal of Graduate Librarianship 1 (1):  December 2023.

Daniel, M., Gottlieb, M., Wooten, D., Stojan, J., Haas, M. R., Bailey, J., ... & Dolmans, D. (2022). Virtual interviewing for graduate medical education recruitment and selection: A BEME systematic review: BEME Guide No. 80. Medical teacher, 44(12), 1313-1331.

Duffin, K. I., & Corrigan, E. K. (2023). African American undergraduate students’ perceived welcomeness at a midsized university library. Evidence Based Library and Information Practice, 18(3), 3–25. 

Midgley, W. H., & Mundle, K. (2023, July). Cracking the Code on Acquisitions Transitions: From Voyager to Alma. Library Resources & Technical Services, 67(3), 79+.

Scoulas, J. M., Shotick, K., De Groote, S. L., & Osorio, N. L. (2024). Developing and validating assessment tools for measuring undergraduate students’ academic engagement and academic achievement: Lessons learned from a pilot research project. Journal of Library Administration, 64(2), 243-251.

Shotick, K. (2024). Uncovering whiteness in academic library collections: A study of author identities in journalism monographs. Collection Management, 1-18.

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