Program Proposals Due March 20

March 6, 2015

The deadline to submit your program proposal for the 2015 Illinois Library Conference is quickly approaching.  The conference committee is seeking program proposals that demonstrate collaboration with different types of libraries or other community organizations; that showcase creative, innovative solutions and provide leadership in serving Illinois communities of all types; and that explore strategic, forward thinking ways that libraries can strengthen communities through services and programs.

Whether you are in an academic, special, school, or public library; a human resources, marketing, facilities, or law professional; or in a rural or city library serving a large or small population, your perspective is valuable and we ask you to consider submitting a proposal. The more voices that contribute to this first statewide conference, the more impact the event will have for all the participants.
The 2015 All for One Conference: A Library State of Mind brings together library organizations in Illinois for a chance to connect, network, and learn together. Academic, public, school, and special libraries will come together for the first combined annual conference of the Illinois Library Association and Illinois School Library Media Association, in collaboration with the Illinois Association of College and Research Libraries and the Special Libraries Association Illinois Chapter. Join this trailblazing effort and add your voice to the conversation by submitting a conference proposal! 
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