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Call for Proposals–NASIG 32nd Annual Conference
Illinois Association of College & Research Libraries Forum (IACRL)
October 2, 2016(via Gwen Gregory, IACRL President)
The NASIG 32nd Annual Conference, themed “Racing to the Crossroads”, will take place from June 8 to 11, 2017, in Indianapolis, IN. Publishers, vendors, librarians, and others in the fields of electronic resources and serials are encouraged to submit proposals relating to scholarly communication, publishing, resource acquisition, management, and discovery. Proposals based on emerging trends, case studies, and descriptive and experimental research findings are encouraged. Proposals reflecting the conference theme will be especially valued.
As in recent years, the Program Planning Committee specifically welcomes programs focusing on the Core Competencies that the NASIG Core Competency Task Force developed for Electronic Resources Librarians. Please refer to the Core Competencies. Program topics inspired by the Core Competencies include the following.
- electronic resource life cycle and management
- collection analysis and development
- standards and systems of cataloging and classification, metadata, and indexing
- technology and providing access to electronic resources
- licensing and legal framework
- standards, initiatives, and best practices
- scholarly communication
- life cycle of print serials
- workflow of print resources
- effective communication with those within and without the library community
- supervision and management of staff in electronic and print serials departments
- personal qualities of electronic and/or print serials resources librarians
- management of projects related to electronic and/or print resources
Please use the online form to submit a proposal or program or idea. This call for proposals will close on Tuesday, November 15. Note the following additional information.
- The PPC welcomes proposals that are still in the formative stages, and may work with potential presenters to focus their proposals further.
- Proposals should name any particular products or services that are integral to the content of the presentation. However, as a matter of NASIG policy, programs should not be used as a venue to promote or attack any product, service, or institution.
- Time management issues generally limit each session to one to three speakers for conference sessions. Panels of four or more speakers are discouraged must be discussed in advance with the Program Planning Committee.
- Please refer to the NASIG reimbursement policy for reimbursement of speaker expenses.
- All session speakers must complete a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) prior to speaking at the conference.
- NASIG may provide online live streaming of presentation sessions, and all speakers will be required to give NASIG the right to stream this content.
If you need any additional information, please contact the Program Planning Committee, at prog-plan@nasig.org.