Register Now for Reaching Forward!

March 26, 2015

The 26th Annual Reaching Forward Conference will be held Friday, May 8, at the Donald E. Stephens Convention Center in Rosemont. 

The conference includes a full day of programming with 
something for everyone -- front-line staff, managers, marketing professionals, human resource managers, programmers, readers' advisory and reference staff, technical services staff, and youth and young adult services staff.


Click here for a full list of conference programs.


Management Skills for the 21st Century

New managers, potential managers, and current managers who could use some rejuvenation:  come explore how to get the best from your staff.  We'll address the what-ifs, the how'd-that-happen, and the why-me's of daily life in management, supervision, and leadership.  Explore the concepts of accountability, communication, motivation, and influence.  These powerful tools play a vital role in successfully engaging today's workforce. Pre-registration is required for this all-day program.  You must register for the conference first, and then select the Management Skills option.   


The Performers' Showcase  

For the first time, Reaching Forward will feature a Performers' Showcase -- two sessions featuring children's performers and two sessions featuring adult performers, with four acts per session. 


The early bird registration date is Friday, April 25.  Visit ReachingForward.netto register online, download the registration form, and for more information on the conference.  Conference registration includes a continental breakfast and lunch.  

iREAD Summer Reading Programs

Since 1981, iREAD provides high quality, low-cost resources and products that enable local library staff to motivate children, young adults, and adults to read.

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