Legislative Update -- October 5, 2023

October 5, 2023

Broadband Update 
As we reported this summer, under the Bipartisan Infrastructure Law, the National Telecommunications and Information Administration (NTIA) awarded $1 billion to Illinois in federal Broadband Equity, Access, and Deployment (BEAD) Program funding. Over the past year, the Illinois Broadband Lab (IBL)—a collaboration between the Illinois Office of Broadband and University of Illinois System— has increased capacity, sustaining outreach and engagement, and applying sophisticated analytics in preparation for the arrival of BEAD funds.

On September 29, the Illinois Office of Broadband posted for public comment two components (or volumes) of its Initial Proposal for use of federal BEAD funds. Formal public comment will be accepted on both through an online portal open until 5pm on Tuesday, October 31, 2023. 

Once NTIA approves Volume 1 of the Initial Proposal, the Illinois Broadband Office will launch its challenge process giving Illinoisans everywhere—through participating local governments, nonprofits, and internet service providers—an opportunity to submit corrections to the latest federal broadband availability map indicating whether a location or community anchor institution has limited or no internet service. The updated map will determine which locations are eligible for Illinois’ BEAD funding. 

Learn more about the BEAD Challenge Process
In partnership with the Illinois Association of County Board Members (IACBM), the Illinois Broadband Lab is hosting two informational webinars in October. The virtual presentation will provide background on the BEAD program and information about why and how local governments can participate in, and prepare for, the Challenge Process.

A second and more technical webinar series will be offered in the near future after the NTIA has approved Illinois’ BEAD Challenge Process and a firm timeline for implementation is set.

Local Government Webinar: Introduction to Illinois’ BEAD Challenge Process  

Offered twice: Tuesday, October 17, at 1:00 pm and Tuesday, October 24, at 1:00 pm

Register Here: https://registration.extension.illinois.edu/start/introduction-to-illinois-bead-challenge-process

Questions? Email: Illinoisbroadbandlab@uillinois.edu.

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