Legislative Update -- March 23, 2023

March 23, 2023

HB 2789 Passed the House
House Bill 2789 passed the House on Wednesday, March 22, and will now move to the Senate for consideration. The bill, which is backed by Secretary of State Alexi Giannoulias, requires libraries to adhere to the American Library Association’s Library Bill of Rights and requires libraries to create written policies against the practice of banning books in order to qualify for state grants. 

ALA Reports a Record Number of Demands to Censor Library Books and Materials in 2022
The American Library Association (ALA) released new data documenting 1,269 demands to censor library books and resources in 2022, the highest number of attempted book bans since ALA began compiling data about censorship in libraries more than 20 years ago. The unparalleled number of reported book challenges in 2022 nearly doubles the 729 challenges reported in 2021.

A record 2,571 unique titles were targeted for censorship, a 38% increase from the 1,858 unique titles targeted for censorship in 2021. Of those titles, the vast majority were written by or about members of the LGBTQIA+ community and people of color.

Of the reported book challenges, 58% targeted books and materials in school libraries, classroom libraries or school curricula; 41% of book challenges targeted materials in public libraries. Visit the ALA website to learn more

Call Your Representative to Protect the Freedom to Read
The House of Representatives is voting this week on HR5, the so-called "Parents Bill of Rights Act," which could bolster book-banning efforts nationwide. Call your Rep. now and tell them to stop censorship in its tracks. Follow this link to make your call. You will be connected with your representative’s office and be provided a script.  

iREAD Summer Reading Programs

Since 1981, iREAD provides high quality, low-cost resources and products that enable local library staff to motivate children, young adults, and adults to read.

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