2023 ILA Executive Board Candidates

January 13, 2023

The ILA Nominating Committee has announced the 2023 candidates for election in the spring of 2023.

(three-year term beginning July 1, 2023 through June 30, 2026)
Amy Byers (Chatham Public Library District)
Ashley Stewart (Caseyville Public Library District)

(three-year term beginning July 1, 2023 through June 30, 2026)
A candidate from each pairing will be elected in accordance with the ILA bylaws as amended at the 1998 ILA Annual Conference; a total of four directors will be elected to serve three-year terms on the ILA Executive Board.

Gretchen Rings (The Field Museum)
Penny Sympson (Wiss, Janney, Elstner Associates Inc.)

Jen Abler (Oak Lawn Public Library)
Dawn Bussey (Glen Ellyn Public Library)

Angela Campbell (Rock Island Public Library) 
Laura Keyes-Kaplafka (Dunlap Public Library District)

Elena Carrillo (University of Illinois at Chicago) 
Gwen Harrison (IL State Library)

Any ILA member wishing to be added to the ballot by petition shall be added to the slate and placed in the paired candidate group that most clearly matches the affiliations of the petitioner as determined by the Nominating Committee. Petition candidates for vice president/president-elect will be added to the presidential slate as requested.

Nominations by petition for an elective office shall be proposed in writing by at least one hundred (100) personal members of the association and delivered to the Executive Office by March 1. Candidates nominated by petition shall be added to the slate and placed in the candidate group that most clearly matches the affiliation of the petitioner. The determination of placement on the slate is the responsibility of the Nominating Committee.

The polls will open electronically April 1, 2023 and close close on April 30 at midnight. Candidates' bios and photos will be available in mid March. 

Serving on the Nominating Committee are Jeanne Hamilton (chair), Anthony Auston, Joe Filapek, Lindsay Holbrook, Kate Kite, Leora Siegel, and Alissa Williams.

Information on each candidate will be available on the ILA website in March. Please email the ILA office at ila@ila.org with any questions.

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