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Member Spotlight - Dan Matthews
November 14, 2022This week's member spotlight is on Dan Matthews. Dan is the Digital Services Librarian at Moraine Valley Community College and the President of the Illinois Association of College & Research Libraries Forum (IACRL). We asked Dan to tell us a little about himself and answer a few professional and amusing questions. Continue reading to find out more about Dan.
A little background on Dan
I am the Digital Services Librarian at Moraine Valley Community College where I work with students on media projects like podcasts, videos, and other online presentations. I am currently serving as president of IACRL and as the co-chair of the CARLI OER Committee. I am an advocate for Open Educational Resources, and excited about all of the great initiatives that are happening all over Illinois.
How did you get your start in libraries?
My stepmom encouraged me to apply for my first job at a college library where I worked at the circulation desk. After the first couple of weeks I had to have a meeting with my supervisor about laughing too loud at work. In that same meeting I was offered retroactive pay for my work in the reserves department, so I count it as a wash.
Best advice you've received since starting your career in libraries?
Nobody can fill from an empty cup. Be mindful of what you ask of others and be aware of what you actually have to give.
Any advice to newcomers working in libraries?
Find the people that will collaborate with you, be honest with you, and affirm you. Be that person when you can.
When and why did you become a member of ILA?
Michelle Nielsen Ott pulled me into the IACRL booth at ILA annual, and even though I was already a member, it was the push that got me genuinely involved in ILA.
How has being a member of ILA helped you professionally?
I’ve met so many people doing such incredible work, and I’ve just learned so much being surrounded by them.
Hardcover, paperback, e-reader, audiobook, or all?
If I’m reading at all, at this point it’s likely an audiobook in the car while I commute.
Favorite author?
Whoever authored the last book I read, which in this case is Ursula K. Le Guin.
Cat or Dog?
Favorite film, podcast, or television show?
Spiceworld, Why Won’t You Date Me, and UNHhhh