ILA Supports CARLI Statement on Open Educational Resources

July 26, 2022
Consortium of Academic and Research Libraries in Illinois

The Illinois Library Association supports our academic librarian colleagues and members in advocating for increased development and use of Open Educational Resources (OER) on college campuses. Specifically, we echo the call from the Consortium of Academic and Research Libraries in Illinois (CARLI) for OER to be considered a focal point of discussions within the College Course Materials Affordability and Equitable Access Collaborative Study Act and Task Force (CCM Task Force).

CARLI's statement reads, in part, "We believe that statewide support for the creation and adoption of OER is a crucial component of affordability in Illinois, and we understand this to be an achievable and sustainable solution to course material costs in higher education....These materials are openly licensed and made available to both students and faculty teaching related courses. They can be adopted, distributed to students, and tailored to meet their individual needs due to open licensing. Materials are free to students in a digital format and can be printed out for a fraction of the cost of a published textbook. Open licensing also means that students have permanent access to these texts and other materials in perpetuity. Research from a recent article on the impact of OER in the International Journal of Teaching and Learning in Higher Education indicates that moving from commercial textbooks to OER can improve grades, as well as decrease drop, failure, and withdrawal rates for students, with disproportionately positive effects on Pell-eligible students."

For more information about Open Educational Resources from the library perspective, please see "Out in the Open: Inclusivity, Access, and Open Educational Resources in Illinois," published in the  March 2021 issue of the ILA Reporter.

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