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IACRL 2016 Conference Preview
Illinois Association of College & Research Libraries Forum (IACRL)
March 15, 2016
IACRL will be holding its statewide conference for academic librarians on Friday, March 18, 2016, at the Chicago Marriott O’Hare. This year’s theme is “Raise Your Voice: Librarians in the Lead”, and the conference will showcase Illinois librarians’ roles as advocates and leaders in the fields of information literacy, leadership, outreach and engagement, digital collections, and online learning. It will feature inspiration, in addition to practical tips, for librarians in any type of institution. You can find the conference program on the ILA website.
This year’s keynote speaker is ACRL President Ann Campion Riley, Acting Dean of Libraries at the University of Missouri, who will address how libraries can advocate for change. Before being named Acting Dean, she was Associate Director of Access, Collections, and Technical Services at MU. Long active in ACRL leadership positions, she is also a prolific speak-er on organizational culture and assessment in libraries.
Official conference activities begin on Thursday night with a cocktail reception, followed by dinner with colleagues. Besides the keynote luncheon, the day-long conference on Friday will consist of four timeslots with four concurrent sessions each and a poster display. It features over 40 presenters from 16 Illinois colleges and universities. Two poster awards will be given: a People’s Choice Award and a Best Overall Award.
There will also be a Thursday pre-conference on curriculum mapping organized by the CARLI Instruction Committee. In the morning, Anne Zald of Northwestern University will present on how curriculum map-ping can be used to align library instruction strategically with students’ pathway to degree completion. In the afternoon, Lisa Hinchliffe of the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign will present on how program mapping connects to co-curricular pro-grams. Registration for the pre-conference is free,