Help Illuminate the Future for Illinois Libraries!

October 7, 2021

Building on the strong foundation built via the Illinois Library Luminaries program, Illuminate is a new fundraising initiative for ILA, designed to inspire giving with universal recognition of all gifts of $5 or more, and increasing honors for increasing levels of lifetime support.

SPARK level: Get something started with your gift of just $5 or more!
Individuals who donate a minimum of $5 will be recognized in the annual report during the fiscal year in which they donated, starting with 2021-22.

Ready to SHINE even brighter?
ILA depends on your support to IGNITE, ENERGIZE, and INSPIRE, through important endeavors like the Diversity Scholarship Fund, the Legal Defense Fund, the Intellectual Freedom Fund, and other programs that acknowledge innovative work that creates a lasting impact on libraries and librarianship.


  • IGNITE level: Recognition for donors who give $1,000 during their lifetime.
  • ENERGIZE level: Recognition for donors who give $1,500 during their lifetime.
  • INSPIRE level: Recognition for donors who give $2,500 during their lifetime or who give $2,500 or more via estate plans. 

Donors at these levels will be recognized in perpetuity on the ILA website, in each annual report following the achievement of a new level, and with recognition gifts of appreciation. We know there are some among you who have already achieved one or more of these levels; please stay tuned and you'll hear from us shortly!

Membership dollars alone do not cover the cost of the services ILA provides to our membership and to the profession. Therefore, we’ve developed additional sources of income: event registration fees, the iREAD® summer reading program, wise investments, affinity programs, advertising, sponsorships, and a key component: individual contributions. Learn more at

iREAD Summer Reading Programs

Since 1981, iREAD provides high quality, low-cost resources and products that enable local library staff to motivate children, young adults, and adults to read.

Visit the iREAD website »

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